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Congratulations on New Baby
I've never seen a swaddling blanket like those. (Sort of like infant straight jackets! LOL)
Jimmie, on 06/23/2011
Butterfly Garden
There certainly is something very special about the humble butterfly. I've visited a few different butterfly farms around the world, but until now I hadn't thought about building my own.
lou16, on 06/23/2011
Burzynski, The Movie
Hi Martha! Thanks for stopping by! I always am happy to see you!!
KateLoving, on 06/23/2011
Theresa Kennedy in a nutshell
WordCustard, thank you for your comments and as I mentioned in yours it is a pleasure to meet you as well. Your name continues to make me smile :) AJ, thank you so much for pointing the way to Bev. You were totally right, and we've been ...
Theresa_Kennedy, on 06/23/2011
Topics and Subtopics on Wizzley
Great post full of ideas and resources. Thanks
Michey, on 06/23/2011
Burzynski, The Movie
This is such an interesting subject and one that too few are aware of. This is a great page you have created to educate. Thanks for sharing :)
Martha Giffen, on 06/23/2011
Theresa Kennedy in a nutshell
Oh my goodness we really do have a lot in common, as AJ suggested. Looking forward to getting to know you more.
bev-owens, on 06/23/2011
Memoir How To | Story Elements
How fun that you came up with such a simple solution to a sometimes perturbing problem. Even I was able to get the drift. I don't write memoirs, but I bet I could now.
nightbear, on 06/23/2011
Home made Organic Pineapple wine
Wine is fine :) will have to try some pineapple some day, looks intoxicating. If you've never had any you should look into making some dandelion wine.
Firewood, on 06/23/2011
Animal Mugs
I love all of the animal photos you have on your mugs. They make it so much fun!
JoyfulPamela, on 06/23/2011
Who is AndyPo?
This is great and thanks for let me know you better. I enjoy your trips and photos, and I am glad you are on wizzley now.
Michey, on 06/23/2011
Fanfreluche collects all sorts of things
I love vintage and antiques staff so I am with you on this, Great post! Thanks
Michey, on 06/23/2011
Shopping in Paris: Printemps department store
I shop on Cartier Latin, Lafayette, and I enjoyed my trips to Paris immensely. I love to come back some day. Thanks for a great post
Michey, on 06/23/2011
Shopping in Paris: Printemps department store
Lovely post, I love Paris so I enjoy your post and I am ready to go shopping.
Michey, on 06/23/2011
Crockpot Beef Barley Vegetable Soup
If any of you have links to like type recipes, just let me know and I will add a link list.
GrandmaMarilyn, on 06/23/2011

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