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Shemer Art Center and Museum Phoenix, Arizona
Shemer Art Center sounds like a wonderful place to visit - and I really like that they offer so much for the children.
petunia, on 07/04/2011
Monocle Eyewear
Monocles back in fashion? Interesting idea! The last time I saw one was a few years back at the Chap Olympiad in London. I don't think I've ever seen one outside of a vintage dress-up event. You might be onto something about a comeback... ...
Meagan, on 07/04/2011
Running A Zazzle Business: What Works For Me
I have so much to learn at Zazzle. This is a big help.
petunia, on 07/04/2011
Summer Activities for Teenagers
Good ideas for teens and that Kindle could be an award for reading a certain number of books. I look forward to the day that children and teens carry Kindles instead of huge armloads of textbooks.
petunia, on 07/04/2011
Pot Roast with Planned Leftovers
Your pot roast looks so good, and I love the idea of using the leftovers immediately to make beef stew.
petunia, on 07/04/2011
Brain Fun During TV Commercials
I love brain games! I am usually knitting or cutting coupons if I watch tv. Commercials do not interrupt my work. :)
petunia, on 07/04/2011
Brain Fun During TV Commercials
My hubby is a skillful jockey with the remote so no commercial time gets wasted. I, on the other hand, prefer to do my brain games on the iPad (and jot down ideas, finger-paint, chat, surf, ...). Why companies spend exorbitant amounts on airtime ...
nightowl, on 07/04/2011
Keeping Food Cold
Lots of great advice here. I think the most important is "make sure to pre-cool the cooler" it makes such a difference.
Guest, on 07/04/2011
Jump Rope Songs
This page is so much fun. Great memories. My girls only skip rope by themselves as part of their exercise program. Good thing as between my girls, most sport activities are competitive.
Guest, on 07/04/2011
My Zazzle Success Story
Congratulations on your success with Zazzle. Your story is a real inspiration for us all.
rajays, on 07/04/2011
What To Do With A Bushel of Summer Peaches
I love peaches. Wrong season for us. This page really has me craving summer stone fruit. Nicely done. (we already used up all that we froze).
Guest, on 07/04/2011
Homeschool Field Trip to Historic Philadelphia
We took the girls to Washington DC and Boston a few years back when we were in the states, but we missed Philadelphia. Great page. Great information.
Guest, on 07/04/2011
How To Find A Micro Niche
Very helpful material. I always try to learn more about "Niches", however, my main topic in writing is Native Americans...and I just can't come up with a niche that would be productive. You always offer good insight, so thanks!
vbright, on 07/04/2011
White Lion | Animal
I have never seen a white lion before. Thanks for this really interesting page.
Guest, on 07/04/2011
How I Use My Kindle
I spend far too much time on electronic devices to do my reading there as well. I wonder how long I will hold out before I get a kindle? (I still don't have a microwave). This does seem like great advice for Kindle users.
Guest, on 07/04/2011

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