Information Technology Trends

by Michey

To follow the Information Technology Trends is a source of success which I think is overlook nowadays, and it is a a great value attached to it.

Why To Follow Information Technology Trends

successSuccess is a big word and goal for everybody, but achieving success is not a "secret", or a "loophole", not even a "blue print".

At general level I argue that success is just:

  • taking action
  • being consistent with your work
  • focus at one project at a time
  • having hard working habits

A little "secret" which produce success for a couple of people is not a universal recipe for success.

So this is why 95% of people who have tried Internet Marketing have failed and only 5% have succeeded? In part YES!

Actually in Internet Marketing we have a slogan - "the sooner you fail, the sooner you succeed". 
It is true!

Today Information Technology Trends

technology trendsSuccess has many parameters, meanings for each of us and the tricky part is that success is always combined with the  personal abilities, skills, and talents. 

I want to chat today with you about one idea which I think has value in it.

This idea can be a great parameter of your success.

Find today trends and go with them as:

  • The competition is still  low
  • Learning new technology is fun and can keep you motivated down the road
  • Being a pioneer in a new field will pay your effort on long run

This can be apply at any niche, but I am referring strictly at Information Technology Trends and at my 2010 personal experience of changing the gears in the middle of the road.

In 2010 I wrote an article called "The Wind I Go With". The Blog doesn't exist anymore, but I reproduce the article in this post as close as I can.

The Wind I Go With.

The Internet today is a fast-growing world and is hard to keep up with all the changes, but this wind of new beginning is so overwhelmingly clear, that I decide to go with the wind.

In a nut shell, after a lot of research, I find out that what we use to call "Advertising Marketing on Internet" is getting to a new stage:

  • Advertising mediums are changing
  • The old methods are forced to reinvent themselves
  • New advertising methods are evolving as we speak

The mobile industry has worked frenetically in the last few years. Now is exploding like fireworks in new innovations, new marketing methods, so I am dizzy just looking at the new developments.

Mobile MarketingThe new game in town is Mobile marketing, cell phones aka mobile devices marketing.

The development of Mobile Marketing is part of Web 3.0 evolution, and Mobile advertising grows in leaps and bounds.  

Why? Because I told you so... 1.8 billions active internet users vs. 6 billions cell phones owners.

So the Gods of Internet Marketing started to look at what they can do with smart phones such as the Apple iPhone and Google Android and they saw the light at the end of the tunnel, and start to blow the wind I am talking about.

Google bought Admob Advertizing platform for 7.5 millions, their SEO, Eric Smith, pledge that everything from this time on will be about "Mobil" in Google developments.
My take on this is that even though mobile marketing is in his infancy stage, it will mature over the next 2-3 years.

This particular opportunity is NOW ready to explode, and will be a huge benefit to be part of it starting NOW, doing a little of pioneering, and growing with it.

The Benefits of Mobile Marketing

Mobile adv.The benefits of Mobile marketing are:

  • Did you know that text messages have an open rate of 97%? We use to advertise over the years in a lot of formats, lot of mediums, but cell phone are now an extension of the owners, and a marketing message coming directly to your cell phone prove to have a 15% – 20% response vs. a 2% - 3%
  • Marketing costs are very low – texting turned to be the most cost effective way to market on mobile phones
  • We can reach more customers 
  • Pay per call blossoms now. It was first introduced by Commission Junction in 2009, which allows affiliates to drive and get paid for sending qualified phone calls to advertisers. A lot of advertisers have signed up for the PPC program and this becomes a easy way for affiliates to make money. 

Did you noticed that the majority mobile ad platforms have a “click-to-call” option where prospects just need to click on the ad and it will automatically call the advertiser? Now you know why.

To make the story short, I jump in this wagon NOW (actually starting 2010) and I already see a clear path to prosperity, there is a learning curve but the return is definitely sweet and quick vs. what I use to do with Affiliate Marketing when I resume my activities on just sending e-mails via an autoresponder.

Do I have to abandon my favorite aweber autoresponder? NO! But using Mobile Ad Platforms for my messages, they are redirecting me to a pool of 6 billions mobile owners vs. the pool of 1.8 billions of Internet users, who choose to click or not on my banners, open and read or not my emails, read or not my blog’s posts and so on... 

My Steps on Mobile Marketing

Mobile MonopolyI start a new blog just for Mobile Marketing, I am going with slow steps as there is a learning curve but I already start to enjoy results as knowledge and profit and definitely I’ll keep going to do so…

I don't give up yet on classical Internet Marketing as it is still profitable, I just diminish with 1/2  the volume of work to make time for Mobile Marketing.

It is a friendly wind I enjoy immensely and highly recommended.
I’ll probably get bore when I know everything, but it is a long, long way to that stage, so I enjoy what I am doing now.

Just in general, we have up till now just 3 systems to use for Mobil Marketing:

So I use the first one now.
My Mobile Marketing Blog called Mobile Profit is about the Adam’s system which is working perfectly and some point I’ll publish enough details for my readers If you follow my new blog you will be the first to find out what I already know, do, and profit.

Posts on my Blog called Mobile-Profit

Introduction to Mobile Monopoly
Adam’s System, called Mobile Monopoly, is the first system which integrates both worlds: Mobile and Internet marketing. This is a general view.

Beastmobi software
Mobile Monopoly is a product created by Adam Horwitz. He also created a software BeastMobi to help you makeing optimized campaigns for CPA offers.

Mobile Marketing Strategy
Mobil Marketing Strategy must be explain for two reasons: it is so new, it is combining the strategy of classical Affiliate Marketing with Mobile needs.

Mobile Marketing Definition
“Mobile Marketing is a set of practices that enables organizations to communicate and engage with their audience... through any mobile device or network”…

Local Mobile Monopoly
People right in your town are willing to figure out what they can do with simple text messages. They don’t understand the emerging technologies so help them.

Squidoo Lenses About Mobile Monopoly System
Presenting Mobile Marketing in general and Adam's Mobile Monopoly.
Mobile Monopoly Strategy reviled and how is working using only your Personal Computer .
This is the presentation of Beastmobi Software. In his PRO version is an optional component of Mobile Monopoly, but you will get a restricted version for free as part of Mobile Monopoly, which will make you started.
Considerations about Google Caffeine ranking Algorithm.

Cell Phone Accessories

If you love your mobile device (cellular phone) you need some accessories
Wireless Extenders zBoost YX545 SOHO ...
Wireless Extenders
Only $299.0
CrazyOnDigital retail packaging. New ...
Only $49.99
Plantronics Voyager 510 Bluetooth Hea...
Only $99.95
Wide Band Directional Antenna 700-270...
Wilson Electronics
$99.95  $43.50
Plantronics Voyager 520 Bluetooth Hea...
$99.95  $69.15
Motorola S10-HD Bluetooth Stereo Head...
$179.98  $43.99
Updated: 06/26/2011, Michey
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Mobile Advertising Is The New Wind! Isn't it?

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Michey on 06/26/2011

Irene, this is the reason I am writing, it is hard to get in deep on everything, but a heads up will help with the general view, and after that people can go in details only with their topics of interest. It is not a replacement but it is a way of minimize the time of the learning curve.

Michey on 06/26/2011

Nancy I don't laugh, and as much as I want everybody to take advantage of technology at the right time, I also recognize that each of us must have his/her "right time", only this way we can be motivated enough to work until we achieve success. So, take your time and jump when you feel comfortable.

irenemaria on 06/26/2011

Everything is escalating faster than I can cope with.

ohme on 06/26/2011

You would surely laugh if you could see the cell phone I use. It is the very, very basic. The one that I ruined last week when I jumped in the pool after Bruno was even more primitive than this one but they don't even make those anymore. I guess I better get with the program and get updated. Reckon?

Michey on 06/26/2011

Thanks Joan, don't even think about first or last, the bottom line is that you are growing, learning, and enjoy what you are doing. Thanks for reading my post
Have a great weekend.

TerriRexson on 06/26/2011

I access the web almost at much from my iPhone as from my computer these days. Yes, I agree mobile is happening.

petunia on 06/26/2011

Oh Michey! I know you are right and I am dragging my feet about Mobile Marketing. Keep encouraging us. One day I will learn how to do that. I think I was last to learn key words and word press, and I may be the last to learn mobile marketing, but I totally agree that it is the wave of the future.

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