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WP email for a specific domain
thank you. I admit the cpanel intimidates me. But I try to use it. I have managed to set up emails for domains. And I have set up blogs through fantstico. And of course my domain names. But the rest of it is a bit over my head. But I do agree ...
nightbear, on 06/22/2011
WordPress Plugin Part 01
Thank Barbara, Peggy put a good question, and I create a new post to respond, can be useful for everybody: Thanks for reading my posts
Michey, on 06/22/2011
Google and Affiliate Marketers
This is a great article with insight into how Google is thinking. Appreciate it Michey!
Dianne, on 06/22/2011
You, Me And Raintree
Very nice to meet you Raintree!
dustytoes, on 06/22/2011
Self-Portrait of ohcaroline
LOL! Now I know why we get along so well! You have such a variety of interests, you are bound to cross everyone somewhere :) Yelp, bicycles, swimming, sewing, travel and a large family. I would say we have much in common!
Sylvestermouse, on 06/22/2011
Go Wizzley With A Double Z
LOL! From one computer amateur to another, I have no idea why the double letters, but I do like to put dots in the O's and make Eyes (i's) LOL
Sylvestermouse, on 06/22/2011
Wrist Watches for Girls
These are all awesome! i had to giggle for a moment. Would you believe my son and I just had a long discussion about why people think Legos and Pokemon are just for boys? (Thanks to McDonalds Happy Meal toys) We simply cannot grasp it. ...
Sylvestermouse, on 06/22/2011
Communicating with deaf people
This brought back some memories, as I used to teach deaf and hard of hearing students and relied on spelling and signs I did realize that they were reading my lips and sometimes had to cover my mouth! LOL
Guest, on 06/22/2011
Vintage Road Signs
Although we noticed and read the sighs, most of my family travels took place while I was still an only child, so there were no siblings to play with until I was about 13, when my brother was old enough to begin noticing signs. But our family did ...
BarbRad, on 06/22/2011
WordPress Plugin Part 01
Michey, I love your step-by-step instructions. I'm behind in updating, but know it's something I really need to do.
BarbRad, on 06/22/2011
How to Use Facebook for Business
Great tips! Utilizing the benefits that come with Facebook is so important. With 93% of American adults on Facebook, interacting on the site will open doors to gain more customers than you have ...
DMN Direct, on 06/22/2011
Best iPad cases for teens - iPad Air, iPad Pro
The colorful monkeys are fun, but the Otterbox wins my vote due to durability!
Jimmie, on 06/22/2011
How to Use Facebook for Business
good advice. I may try to make a business page again..
Guest, on 06/22/2011
Easy Dessert Recipe: Cranberry Hazelnut Biscotti
@PeggyHazelwood Peggy, you can make these a bit softer by baking them a little less the second time. Perfect for just eating. @dmcgaw Maybe you can pay a friend to make them?
lakeerieartists, on 06/22/2011
How to Make a Pom-Pom Bee
What a cute craft tutorial! Now I just want a collection of those bees - nice summer decorating idea!!!!
holly-day, on 06/22/2011

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