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Katinka's Wizzography
oh good, another hubber has joined..nice to meet you!
Guest, on 06/17/2011
Open Source Value
Yes OpenOffice, Gimp, Wordpress and so on, are freeware but with a licence, so nobody will accuse you that you use them, nor if you feel to add staff to improve them you can do it.
Michey, on 06/17/2011
An Affiliate Program with some fun attached as well as practicality.
Kilts or skirts are a lot more practical than
Guest, on 06/17/2011
Review of The Best Overall Diet Plans
I was amazed at how little I knew about food several months ago when the Dr. was talking about cholesterol. This article on the best overall diet plans was quite helpful, because you don't have a monetary interest, and you are an experienced ...
KathyMcGraw, on 06/17/2011
Drum Point Lighthouse
Fascinating! I know I would hate having to climb steps to get into my home, but I would love having just the cottage area to clean :) What a lovely tour!
Sylvestermouse, on 06/17/2011
I Work From Home And I Love It
Very useful tips for work at home moms and those who want to become one..ha am not yet ready for the full time work at home bit though :P
hamshi5433, on 06/17/2011
The Myths About Salads
I love salad. One thing I do against salmonella is a let the vegetables sit in water with a few tablespoons of vinegar added. After about half an hour I rinse them and make my salad. Vinegar kills the germs and bacteria etc....
CHalloran, on 06/17/2011
Who Is Wayne Tully
Thanks Bizilady! Away from laptop at moment, will check out your wizzy art and stuff soon....cheers now!
wayne tully, on 06/17/2011
Why Wizzle on Wizzley?
what a great introduction and so clear!
Guest, on 06/17/2011
Google Analytics
@Digby_Adams You are correct. Wizzley has done that work for you, and Analytics will track all of your Wizzley pages on your account. Pretty cool, huh!
lakeerieartists, on 06/17/2011
Who or What is WordCustard?
Like you, I understand more German than I can speak. I also thought learning Dutch would be easy because of its similarities to German...I ended up confusing the two so much that it would have been called a new language!
Theresa_Kennedy, on 06/17/2011
2024 Judaism calendars and planners
I never cease to be amazed at the range and beauty of the calendars that are available for everyone - nicely presented
pkmcr, on 06/17/2011
About AJ Godinho
I love the idea of using the comment space in an "About Me" page as a guestbook. Even more cool is that your link to it near the top of the page, brings you right to this spot!
Theresa_Kennedy, on 06/17/2011
Open Source Value
You have explained this techy stuff very well to a non-techy person! Is this also referred to as "freeware?"
Guest, on 06/17/2011
Who Is Wayne Tully
Hey Wayne.glad to see another artist and writer...
Guest, on 06/17/2011

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