Latest comments

Who is Rich Leigh?
Nice to meet you. Hope you got an A on your final project. Enjoyed the film.
WebWriter, on 06/04/2011
Who is Jewelsofawe
Nice to meet you. I enjoyed your poetry.
WebWriter, on 06/04/2011
Candy Cane Cupcakes
I've never had a candy cane cupcake. This is a cute idea! Love it!
Jewelsofawe, on 06/04/2011
Searching for a Turtle Nest
I do feel privileged to see it. Each day that you walk out into the woods or along a path in the Everglades there are new things to see. How sad it is that today's children spend so much time indoors missing such sites as a turtle laying eggs.
evelynsaenz, on 06/04/2011
The English Lake District
We love the Lake District, it really is a beautiful and inspiring place. Would love to live there one day.
CitizenWake, on 06/04/2011
Top 10 Funny Doormats
'We love our vacuum, we've found God and we gave at the office ~ Thanks' Cracks me up!
CitizenWake, on 06/04/2011
Gas Saving Tips
Denial..Anger..Bargaining..Depression..Acceptance. The 5 Stages of Buying Gas these days! A very useful article you have here.
CitizenWake, on 06/04/2011
Who Is Doc Hellams
A very Happy Birthday Doc and many more!! What a wonderful tribute to your sweetie!!
mandeesears, on 06/04/2011
Wizzley Banners
Thanks so much. I just added one to my blog :)
Guest, on 06/04/2011
How to Socialize for Homeschoolers
Another excellent resource. I know you stated at the beginning that this page really isn't for homeschoolers, but I have do disagree. It is so comprehensive that I am sure any homeschool family will come upon some ideas they hadn't thought of, ...
Guest, on 06/04/2011
Inspirational Wall Quotes
i love inspirational quotes and find myself reading them when I need it most. Having it posted on a wall would be instant inspiration!
mandeesears, on 06/04/2011
Dotee Dolls - Make and Trade Them for Fun!
I never heard of Dotee Dolls before. What a great project for kids. Thanks for sharing it with us :)
Guest, on 06/04/2011
Homeschooling Socialization: An Oxymoron?
Homeschooling worked for us!
BizzyBee, on 06/04/2011
It's me! nightbear!
Susan, you are a sweetheart! I completely agree that marriage is hard but marrying your best friend is a step in the right direction. I will celebrate 25 years married to my best friend this September. Here's to 25 more!
mandeesears, on 06/04/2011
Funny Birthday Card for Friend
These are cute funny birthday cards Sheila. I'm with you, I'd rather get 1 card in the traditional mail than 100 e-cards. Taking the time to pick out just the right card or make a card with your perfect sentiment means they really spent time and ...
mandeesears, on 06/04/2011

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