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The Lorax - My Favorite Dr. Seuss Book
Danny Divoto as the Lorax? Hmm, gonna have to think about that one.
tandemonimom, on 06/02/2011
Practice Photography in your own Back Yard
I take photos in my backyard and my camera is always charged up ready. At the moment the garden is full of roses - I guess I ought to get out there... You have some lovely pics on here :)
AJ, on 06/02/2011
The Barnes and Noble Nook
I can see where the color might be good if you are looking at cook books. Hmmm, I was set on a Kindle but now I don't know. Have to think about it some more.
Dianne, on 06/02/2011
Fantastic Mustache Jewelry for Cool People
What fun ... but I admit at first I thought it would be jewelry FOR one's mustache, not actual mustache-shaped jewelry! Imagine my disappointment ... NOT!
tandemonimom, on 06/02/2011
What is Constructive Criticism?
I am pretty touchy about criticism...just being honest. I prefer to get criticisms from those I know and trust and know me. Strangers don't always understand the why's of what I was trying to accomplish.
ohcaroline, on 06/02/2011
Top Animated Children's Movies for 2011
I have to admit the only one of these I have seen so far is Rio - it was OK and I loved the animation but did not quite live up to my expectations.
AJ, on 06/02/2011
Who is Susan52?
Just taking a moment to say hello and welcome to Wizzley. So pleased to see you here Susan :)
AJ, on 06/02/2011
Who is Jewelsofawe
Beautiful photos and poetry - so pleased to see you here on Wizzley :)
AJ, on 06/02/2011
Is It SquidRich or Waxing-Lyrical?
Rich I cannot tell you how pleased I am that you have joined Wizzley. And of course, I do know Godalming and was there just a few months back :)
AJ, on 06/02/2011
Self-Portrait of ohcaroline
Caroline, this is awesome! I am so happy to learn more about you and see we have lots in common. I love golf too, but don't get the chance to play much anymore. thanks for taking the time to share yourself with us!
mandeesears, on 06/02/2011
DecoratingforEvents | Mandee Sears
You're welcome AJ -- it's not much but from the heart. :D I wish you and your family much luck, love and happiness as your make your way through rough times as well. We'll get there!
mandeesears, on 06/02/2011
Self-Portrait of ohcaroline
Interesting presentation! Love it!
mbgphoto, on 06/02/2011
Backyard Bird Feeders
Very nice selection of products and great information. Glad to see you here on Wizzley.
mbgphoto, on 06/02/2011
Self-Portrait of ohcaroline
Nicely put together and an interesting approach! Always good to learn a little more of the people we interact with online :-)
pkmcr, on 06/02/2011
Pajamas With Cats
Ha Ha! Yes, our community theatre just wrapped up Chitty Chitty Bang Bang with lots of kids.
Dianne, on 06/02/2011

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