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Creating a New Me!
Congratulations to you! But you're right, you have to be in the right mind set to be able to diet and exercise and one isn't much good without the other. I had a recent brush with death that also gave me a course of steroids. I would've eaten ...
debnet, on 05/30/2011
Aggressive Plants in Your Landscaping
What an expression "aggressive plants" - I guess I should have only such
irenemaria, on 05/30/2011
Donna Leon: The Girl of His Dreams - A Book Review
I haven't read any of Donna Leon's novels, but it's a name I will note to seek out.
mulberry, on 05/30/2011
Paper dolls are never too old
This brings back some nice memories ;)
mulberry, on 05/30/2011
Who or What is WordCustard?
I don't think I ever came across your 'nice pear' on Squidoo, but it's good to have seen you here anyway! I very much look forward to reading more from you in the future, and would love to see some of your shots of Scotland too. I'm hungry for ...
RichLeigh, on 05/30/2011
Well that was educational! I had no idea what the different firework displays were called.
mulberry, on 05/30/2011
Which is the most popular brand of Color Pencils?
I've never really used colored pencils, I don't have an artistic cell in my body. But, my doodles would have to look much nicer using them.
mulberry, on 05/30/2011
Creating a New Me!
Sounds like you are definitely on the right track! I can really understand what you're saying about a couple of things here. First, deciding what's healthy. I wanted to cut my cholesterol AND increase my calcium intake and absorption. After ...
mulberry, on 05/30/2011
Who is the other Kathy McGraw
No matter what your name is, there is only one YOU! Your photos are beauties - nice to see you and learn more about you too.
dustytoes, on 05/30/2011
A little about Spook
OK ohme, I'm sorry for your computer troubles but perhaps now you have an idea of what it is like? Always lovely to hear from you.
Spook, on 05/30/2011
How to Manage Reproducible Books
I was intrigued by all your tips here although long past the children stage.
Spook, on 05/30/2011
Who or What is WordCustard?
I love your name. It makes me hungry though. So nice to learn more about you.
dustytoes, on 05/30/2011
What is an avatar? And how do I get one?
Great article Deb with lots of practical hints on creating and displaying your avatar. I like the way you relate avatars to consistency in marketing.
ronpass, on 05/30/2011
Happy Memorial Day, and God bless the ones who serve and have died to make this country free and great!
dustytoes, on 05/30/2011
Bhut Jolokia Chili Pepper
Not for me - I'm not into hot chilli peepers. My son complains that I have "taken the spice out of his life" - because I don't eat spices. Fascinating article about the origins and use of Bhut Jolokia Chili Pepper.
ronpass, on 05/30/2011