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Funny Time Management Quotes
Thats a nice one too. And I am glad I did this page right and don't have to do it over ;). And thanks for liking my work.
Natasha, on 05/28/2011
Fathers Day Posters 2012
Thanks SquidBuilders. I am glad you liked my selections.
Natasha, on 05/28/2011
Easy to Cook Filipino Recipes -
My family loves Adobo, although I always go the easy route with Mama Sita's... Now I know how to cook it from scratch, too! Next, I need to learn how to cook Pancit and Lumpia (hint, hint) :)
nightowl, on 05/28/2011
Easy to Cook Filipino Recipes -
What a fun page. I love to learn from other foodies.
nightbear, on 05/28/2011
Photography on Zazzle
LOVE Zazzle, just wish I was better at it.
nightbear, on 05/28/2011
How To Chose An MP3 Player
Well I finally know what it is. I just knew it played great music. Well done.
nightbear, on 05/28/2011
What is Constructive Criticism?
Wow, what a thought provoking page. It is a really tough thing to do correctly. I really love your photography Eva. But even I can see how far you have come. You have grown so much.
nightbear, on 05/28/2011
Introducing Joan Adams
How wonderful being a woman of experience. Nicely done Joan!
nightbear, on 05/28/2011
Who is Jewelsofawe
You are one very talented young lady. Nice to know you
nightbear, on 05/28/2011
How To Ask For A Raise
Interesting topic and will surely help so many people. It is so tough for people to stand up for themselves.
nightbear, on 05/28/2011
Missouri Botanical Garden
I'm a Missouri Girl and I Have seen this garden, I just love it, so gorgeous.
nightbear, on 05/28/2011
Vintage Good Housekeeping Covers 1920s
How beautiful, things were so much better and more pure back then.
nightbear, on 05/28/2011
Vintage Good Housekeeping Covers 1920s
They are all so sweet. What a change that magazine has had over the years.
Jimmie, on 05/28/2011
Baby Sign Language Baby
Such a great idea to teach babies sign language!
Dianne, on 05/28/2011
Introducing Joan Adams
A nice bio Joan. I'm so glad I met you at Squidoo and have gotten to know you. Proud to call you my friend. Seabrook-Someday!
Dianne, on 05/28/2011

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