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Who is Jewelsofawe
You're a treasure, Patricia! :)
chefkeem, on 05/28/2011
Who is Jewelsofawe
Lovely page. I especially like your Inspirational Poem.
CherylsArt, on 05/27/2011
Who is Jewelsofawe
Dreams Come True! I have always believed that, but now I will post it on my wall. You know I enjoy your poetry and your photography! You are so very talented! It's wonderful to see you here on Wizzley!
petunia, on 05/27/2011
Donna Leon: The Girl of His Dreams - A Book Review
Sounds interesting for sure.
Jewelsofawe, on 05/27/2011
Chef Keem - who the hell is he?
Thank you for your kind words, Naiza. Yes, I think we have a good thing going. Can't wait for your first articles! :)
chefkeem, on 05/27/2011
Chef Keem - who the hell is he?
Hey Chef! Great to finally hear your voice and your singing was fantastic. Finally, I'm joining Wizz which is by the way a really nice and warm online writing community. Thanks to you, ate Anne Corcino and the others. This is really a great. ...
NAIZA, on 05/27/2011
Introducing Joan Adams
Joan - You. Are. Delightful. Nuff said. So glad to have you with us. :)
chefkeem, on 05/27/2011
Weaving the Web of Flowers
ohme, on 05/27/2011
What NOT to write in your online profile
Funny, Joan - you ARE a guru...of positive living by example. It's wonderful to see you here on Wizzley. :)
chefkeem, on 05/27/2011
Five Reasons You Should Hire a Landscaping Company
I wish we could afford it, but with 19 acres I'm a do it yourselfer:-) Good thing I enjoy working in the yard!
Kids_Fun, on 05/27/2011
Introducing Joan Adams
I enjoyed reading your bio wizzleys, Joan. Very nice article. It's a pleasure to know a wonderful person like you inside and out. It radiates through your writing.;)
NAIZA, on 05/27/2011
Introducing Joan Adams
What a wonderful introduction Joan! Glad to meet all your personalities!
mandeesears, on 05/27/2011
Introducing Joan Adams
What a great intro page! I forgot to do one here. Guess I should. I love yours!
Jewelsofawe, on 05/27/2011
Introducing Joan Adams
Thank you, Joan for the explanation on your various names. I'm so glad you came clean. All those aliases are confusing for me. But no matter what you call yourself, I always find you to be a warm, generous person that I am delighted to call a ...
evelynsaenz, on 05/27/2011
Introducing Joan Adams
Wonderful post, Joan! Yep, we am what we am and that's for sure!
ohme, on 05/27/2011

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