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A little about Spook
Welcome Kevin, and thanks for sharing the story. You will be here at least as good as you are on squidoo, this platform in more easy to learn and has a lot of real opportunities
I am glad you are here with all our friends.
Michey, on 05/27/2011

What is Constructive Criticism?
That makes sense Michey. We are able to see the problem with different eyes and if choose to use the suggestion or not does have to do with what our intention was for the piece of work. Like the author telling me I should use a different word ...
WhiteOak50, on 05/27/2011

What is Constructive Criticism?
Constructive criticism can help to clarify our own ideas, and see the problem with different eyes, yes it is part of the progress. if we follow or not it is a matter of personality... I don't like critique which is not constructive, but when ...
Michey, on 05/27/2011

Photography on Zazzle
Very appealing Zazzle products, and it is true the photos are eye catcking.
Michey, on 05/27/2011

Missouri Botanical Garden
Like the post, that garden is great, and the presentation on this platform is so handy
Thanks for o great post.
Michey, on 05/27/2011

Vintage Good Housekeeping Covers 1920s
Looks great, I like the journalistic layout, and you have great looking posters.
All the best
Michey, on 05/27/2011

Vintage Good Housekeeping Covers 1920s
Bev Very interesting!
mbgphoto, on 05/27/2011

What is Constructive Criticism?
Yep, wise women our Grandmothers are :0)
WhiteOak50, on 05/27/2011

What is Constructive Criticism?
I don't criticism either. My Grandma always said to me: if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
Jewelsofawe, on 05/27/2011

Missouri Botanical Garden
MaryBeth your photos are breathtaking and Zazzle is an awesome medium for others to enjoy them.
mandeesears, on 05/27/2011

Bev Owens In A Nutshell
Bev, I appreciated learning more about you today. And I am thankful to call you my friend - even tho we have never met in person.
I think in my next life I will be an antique dealer - I got interested in all of this way too late to learn it ...
petunia, on 05/27/2011

Google Analytics
I love Google Analytics. Thanks for this great page. I am still not sure I set it up properly for Wizzley, as it is showing all zero. I think I will wait another day.
Guest, on 05/27/2011

What NOT to write in your online profile
Oh I can think of a few, too - and I dare not mention them in public! But sometimes I do wonder about profiles! lol Delightful and informative page, Chef! Especially as I am working on my profile here at Wizzley -- and now I know not to use ...
petunia, on 05/27/2011

Missouri Botanical Garden
I went to uni in Missouri, but I never realized how beautiful it was until I saw it through your eyes.
Guest, on 05/27/2011

How To Ask For A Raise
Paul, this is such good solid information, especially in this poor economy. It's hard to ask for a raise, and it is vital to present the request with pertinent facts. Many will benefit from this page, I am sure!
petunia, on 05/27/2011