Latest comments

DecoratingforEvents | Mandee Sears
You all are sweet! I appreciate your kind words and sentiments -- they mean a lot.
mandeesears, on 05/27/2011

Wizard of Oz T-Shirts and Gifts
You know, I think your production looks wonderful and I think that the your community gave its children a real gift when they presented the Wizard of Oz.
Movie Treasures By Brenda, on 05/27/2011

Some of Irenemarias paintings and drawings
You have some beautiful work here. I've done some painting. I'd really like to have more time for it.
Kids_Fun, on 05/27/2011

I hate American Idol - my prediction for 2011
I totally agree with you! I only watch about the last 5 or 10 minutes of the results show to see who goes on. I skip the rest of it and do other things. I'm also a big Lauren Elaina fan, she was my favorite from the beginning. I love her ...
Kids_Fun, on 05/27/2011

Bev Owens In A Nutshell
Hello Bev! We are fans of Jessie Wilcox Smith too. Nice to meet you!
BizzyBee, on 05/27/2011

How To Make Money on Zazzle
I love Zazzle. Great tips here Louanne.
mbgphoto, on 05/27/2011

DecoratingforEvents | Mandee Sears
So thrilled that soon you will be "Back Home Again In Indiana"! I love your writing voice and your positive energy. It has truly been a pleasure getting to know you in the last year. Wishing you much success for this year and each year after!
bev-owens, on 05/27/2011

Creating Bookmarks at Zazzle
Thanks Everyone, your comments are greatly appreciated.
WhiteOak50, on 05/27/2011

Poppies in Spring
Love your poppies! They truly are "art" from God...I like that analogy.
bev-owens, on 05/27/2011

Creating Bookmarks at Zazzle
Your photos are gorgeous! Making them into bookmarks is a great idea.
bev-owens, on 05/27/2011

DecoratingforEvents | Mandee Sears
Thanks for sharing. You sure have come a long way in a year.
Guest, on 05/27/2011

Which is the most popular brand of Color Pencils?
The thing is when the books are written by American authors, they seem to recommend the pencils which they find easier to get hold of. Over here in the UK top coloured pencil artists recommend other brands.
Obviously everybody has their ...
makingamark, on 05/27/2011

Michey Hobbies
I think what your father was doing was teaching you to use your head and he sure made a great job of that. I can also see the sadness in your story of losing your homeland. So happy to see you so happy in America. You deserve it.
Spook, on 05/27/2011

Poppies in Spring
Here's wishing you all the best of luck and love your poppy stuff. Again agree with Ron about Redgage, for me, maybe another topic.
Spook, on 05/27/2011

DecoratingforEvents | Mandee Sears
I'm another who thoroughly enjoyed reading your story. My, but, you have sure travelled around a lot and here's wishing you and your family all the best in your latest move.
Spook, on 05/27/2011