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AllPosters Affiliate Program
I am also a member of AllPosters, but so far haven't managed to sell anything. Of course I could try harder! They do have a range of posters that is second to none.
poddys, on 05/25/2011
Aggressive Plants in Your Landscaping
My goodness...aggressive plants! Imagine - what if they're flesh-eating critters on my side table while I'm trying to enjoy my weenies...
A warm welcome to Wizzley, Christine! :)
chefkeem, on 05/25/2011
Coconut Macaroons - Tres Leches Recipe
Thanks so much for your comments, AJ and Kevin.
Kevin - for right now, I need to send you to Google search. I have no special recipes for cheese puffs or muffins handy.
chefkeem, on 05/25/2011
Setting Up a Backlinking System to Promote Your Website | Webpage
Sort of off topic comment. The price below the book is showing at $3.30. But of course, when I click over to Amazon, it's $17. What's up with that? Book looks promising. I'll see if my library has that one.
Jimmie, on 05/25/2011
Coconut Macaroons - Tres Leches Recipe
They look lovely and I'm positive they taste lovely. I personally though am not a big coconut fan. The other day I just had an urge to make some cheese puffs or muffins and they were an unmitigated disaster. So am left pondering, if you may be ...
Spook, on 05/25/2011
Essential Paris Tourist Attractions
Have never been there (long story), but, my eldest daughter has and found it romantic and a beautiful city. I guess I'd like to see the Eiffel tower.
Spook, on 05/25/2011
Coconut Macaroons - Tres Leches Recipe
I must say that I do love Coconut macaroons, particularly the dark chocolate and the fact they they are wheat free. We are so lucky that our local Garden Center has a speciality foods section and we can never pass it by without buying a dozen ...
AJ, on 05/25/2011
Writing Quality Articles on Wizzley (and beyond)
The first page I've visited here at Wizzley. Thanks for the overview and a glimpse at what a page can look like. I like what I'm seeing.
Jimmie, on 05/25/2011
Washing Machines
I feel so...dirty, now. Guess I better take a spin in one of your washing machines...
chefkeem, on 05/25/2011
Moving to the Dominican Republic
Lots of common-sense advice, Jenny. Great article! :)
chefkeem, on 05/25/2011
I hate American Idol - my prediction for 2011
That's funny, Oliver. They could have added, "and no baby seals were murdered."
chefkeem, on 05/25/2011
What NOT to write in your online profile
Christine - everyone who knows you and your work, knows that you don't need any hype. You're one of the best. :)
chefkeem, on 05/25/2011
Creating Your Own Website with Wordpress
Well, well. Didn't know you could create WordPress websites. I have a freebie from (pretty pitiful but it's my fault more than theirs). May need to investigate this further.
mulberry, on 05/25/2011
What NOT to write in your online profile
No problem there. "Passion" has ruffled my skin a bit for a number of years. Just too melodramatic for me but I'm a bit "understated" too often.
mulberry, on 05/25/2011
Bev Owens In A Nutshell
Thanks for sharing more of your story. I believe my ancestry is primarily northern/western European...but my family shared little of their history too. Looking forward to reading more.
mulberry, on 05/25/2011