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Michey Hobbies
I really enjoy getting to know you better, Michey. :)
chefkeem, on 05/26/2011
Why Write On
Thanks for the info Chef! I am excited to get started here at Wizzley.
mandeesears, on 05/26/2011
Bev Owens In A Nutshell
Glad to learn more about you Bev and glad to call you a friend.
mandeesears, on 05/26/2011
Wall Murals
This is something I have always wanted to do with a room, but never had the right place or the courage to do it.
poddys, on 05/26/2011
Which is the most popular brand of Color Pencils?
I don't really use any these days, but my daughters love to draw with them.
poddys, on 05/26/2011
What is Notebooking?
Excellent job Jimmie. Nice to see you here too.
poddys, on 05/26/2011
Green Lantern
Very cool page. I haven't seen or read the Green Lantern, but you can't go wrong with a super hero.
poddys, on 05/26/2011
Which is the most popular brand of Color Pencils?
Prismacolor have never been available in the UK - except by ordering them from the USA. We used to have Karisma pencils - which were the European equivalent - but they stopped making these back in 2004. Those of us who bought quite a few at ...
makingamark, on 05/26/2011
Which is the most popular brand of Color Pencils?
Your blog was one of the resources that led me to purchase my treasured wooden box set of the 72 Coloursoft pencils. I admire them way too much and use them way too little (I'm working on that) but I'm happy with my choice. I did hear a lot ...
WordCustard, on 05/26/2011
Some of Irenemarias paintings and drawings
Gorgeous work, Irene! I love the card roses with poem. So glad to have you in our community. :)
chefkeem, on 05/26/2011
Vintage Style Wedding Invitations
WOW, they really ARE gorgeous! :)
chefkeem, on 05/26/2011
Some of Irenemarias paintings and drawings
Beautiful paintings Irenemaria! I have never tried the coffee technique, but I would like to try it!
BizzyBee, on 05/26/2011
AllPosters Affiliate Program
I must admit I mostly use AllPosters to get free images for my content. But it does seem that my sales are creeping up, so perhaps I should try harder!
AJ, on 05/26/2011
A little about Spook
Great to see you here, Spook, and reading your story is an inspiration.
SquidRich, on 05/26/2011
Who or What is WordCustard?
Marks and Spencer Vanilla Custard is wonderful - closely followed by Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Madagascan Vanilla Custard! :) Nice to see you here.
makingamark, on 05/26/2011

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