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Writing Quality Articles on Wizzley (and beyond)
Thank you for some great advice about publishing here on Wizzley. Will be 'beefing up' my page here!
BizzyBee, on 05/26/2011
Funny Time Management Quotes
Read it at your leisure chefkeem.
Natasha, on 05/26/2011
Which is the most popular brand of Color Pencils?
I've been using coloured pencils for my artwork for the last 20 years and I've used them all and have them all! Mind you, having said that my choice as to which to use depends on what I'm using them for. I always use those that are lightfast ...
makingamark, on 05/26/2011
Coconut Macaroons - Tres Leches Recipe
Oh my goodness, they look absolutely YUMMY! Must try out this recipe...thanks very much for sharing it with us. Thumbs Up!
BizzyBee, on 05/26/2011
Who or What is WordCustard?
Great to see you here, Nicki, and I have to say I love that T-Shirt. Certainly made me laugh:)
SquidRich, on 05/26/2011
Who or What is WordCustard?
I've enjoyed your delicious sense of humo(u)r for a long time now, Veronicanicky. Can't wait to get my regular dose of pear(ly) laughs on Wizzley. Grins, Achim
chefkeem, on 05/26/2011
Which is the most popular brand of Color Pencils?
This is a great resource. I do not use colored pencils much, preferring to bypass directly to paints. But sometimes I use them to decide what colors to use when painting.
lakeerieartists, on 05/26/2011
What NOT to write in your online profile
I can think of a few, but I can't type them in a family-friendly forum. ;-)
tandemonimom, on 05/26/2011
The Inner Game of Tennis
I guess you could call me a tennis addict. Although I no longer play, I am stuck to the TV when the Majors are on, particularly Wimbledon. Sitting here watching the French as I type this :)
SquidRich, on 05/26/2011
Is It SquidRich or Waxing-Lyrical?
I can't help but think that Bonnie would be proud of how you learnt from her and have taken your own online writing from strength to strength. Great to see you taking on another new challenge and reaching an ever wider audience in the process, ...
WordCustard, on 05/26/2011
Which is the most popular brand of Color Pencils?
I'm impressed by this fantastic display of high-quality color pencils, Katherine.
chefkeem, on 05/26/2011
The Inner Game of Tennis
Ron, a lot of these tips work for golf and life in general as well. Great advice!
mandeesears, on 05/26/2011
Funny Time Management Quotes
I bet this is a funny article and I promise to read it later. ;-)
chefkeem, on 05/26/2011
Is It SquidRich or Waxing-Lyrical?
Hi Rich, although I've noticed you a lot, here and there on the web, I've never really got to know you better. I hope this will change, now that we're both working on Wizzley. Warmest Welcome Greetings, Achim :)
chefkeem, on 05/26/2011
Bev Owens In A Nutshell
Bev, I love your sense of humor, and your persistence at dealing with what life throws at us. You have become a special friend, and I look forward to working with you more this year. :)
lakeerieartists, on 05/26/2011

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