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Essential Paris Tourist Attractions
You have caught my attention and make me want to visit all of these tourist attractions in Paris!
bev-owens, on 05/16/2011

Chef Keem - who the hell is he?
Oh Chef it is so nice to be a part of along with you and the other co-founders! I've always loved that little ditty about Squidoo and I can't wait to hear the Wizzley anthem!
bev-owens, on 05/16/2011

Chef Keem - who the hell is he?
Hi, I am traveling to Alaska this year on a 1 week cruise. :) Looking forward to it.
lakeerieartists, on 05/16/2011

Organic Solar Cells
Let the sunshine in! :)
chefkeem, on 05/15/2011

Building Self-Esteem Through Social Networks
Hi Ron,
your social media training is excellent. It helps me cut through the clutter and better understand what's important for me personally and for my business.
It's a huge time saver - thank you!
chefkeem, on 05/15/2011

Essential Paris Tourist Attractions
What a seductive portrait - I wanna go! No really, I like your concise presentation of one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
chefkeem, on 05/13/2011

Highest Mountains
Hey, I know that preview image from somewhere :-D Who took that shot??
Is "thousander" actually an english word?
Simon, on 05/12/2011

Highest Mountains
Oh yes, the preview photo is from pixabay :-)
Hans, on 05/11/2011

Highest Mountains
Just a hint - has great mountain pics. ;-)
chefkeem, on 05/10/2011

Highest Mountains
I like your article! But I'm missing great photos...
Maybe it would be a good idea to climb these mountains and take some photos ;o)
Coati, on 05/10/2011