Aye Aye | Animal

by TerriRexson

The Aye Aye is an animal native to the African island of Madagascar. The Aye Aye is a species of lemur. Find out all out this unusual creature.

The Aye Aye Lemur

From Madagascar

The Aye Aye is a native animal from the African Island of Madagascar. The Aye Aye or Daubentonia madagascariensis is a species of lemur. 

The Aye Aye is a scruffy brown lemur with rather strange looks. It's certainly not the cutest lemur. Lemurs are sub-primates and not as intelligent as primates. But the Aye Aye does have a special trick to help him get food (read on to find out what it is.)

The Aye Aye is from Madagascar

Mainly along the East Coast

Aye Aye Facts

Some Aye Aye facts:

  1. The Aye Aye is a species of lemur. Lemurs only live natively on the African island of Madagascar. 
  2. Unlike the better known Ringtail Lemur, the Aye Aye is noctural and sleeps during the day. 
  3. The Aye Aye has a long middle finger which it uses to hook grubs out of trees. 
  4. Because of it's strange looking middle finger and strange looks the Aye Aye is sometimes considered ugly and in Madagascan folklore they are evil. No! 
  5. The Aye Aye was once thought to be extinct, but is now classified as near threatened by the IUCN Red List

Aye Aye Videos

Aye Aye on Wikipedia

The aye-aye is a lemur, a strepsirrhine primate native to Madagascar that combines rodent-like teeth and a special thin middle finger to fill the same ecological niche as a woodpecker. It is the world's largest nocturnal primate, and is ...

Aye Aye Toy

Aye Aye Cuddlekin 12"
K & M

A Cuddly Aye Aye

I'm writing about the Aye Aye because my son just received a plush Aye Aye for his third birthday from his Auntie. The lemur has always been one of his favorite animals, but this was his first Aye Aye.

It was a great gift! The Aye Aye has become very friendly with a (stuffed) ring-tailed lemur and they have a lemur baby. The whole Madagascan family go to bed with my son each night. 

We like to learn all about the animals in our house so we found out all about this new creature. 

Gerald Durrell and the Aye Aye

I remember reading Gerald Durrell's My Family and Other Animals at School. It turns out he likes Aye Ayes too. 

Durrell has been working to save the Aye Aye from extinction. He took a trip to Madagascar to capture wild Aye Ayes to breed at his Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust. 

Aye-Aye and I is the story of his trip to Madagascar to find these rare and endangered lemurs and save them for the future. 

The Aye Aye and I

Gerald Durrell
The Aye-Aye and I: A Rescue Journey to Save One of the Wo...
Only $1.94

Stephen Fry, Mark Cawardine and the Aye Aye

As a family, we love watching Stephen Fry and Mark Cawardine's Last Chance to See. Naturalist Cawardine was a friend of the late Douglas Adams (of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy fame) and they had traveled together to visit endangered animals. 

Cawardine invited Stephen Fry (also a friend of Adams) to repeat the trip with him. The result is a wonderful TV series where we get to meet lots of amazing animals and be charmed by the presenters. 

The Aye Aye is one of the creatures featured in Last Chance to See. There's a video clip below and the Aye Aye episode is featured on the Last Chance to See Blu-Ray Disc. 

Last Chance to See

Mark Cawardine and Stephen Fry
Last Chance to See [Blu-ray]
BFS Entertainment
$14.99  $10.99

Last Chance to See - The Aye Aye

BBC Clip
Updated: 10/22/2011, TerriRexson
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I hope you enjoyed meeting the Aye Aye

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WordCustard on 10/22/2011

What a funny little creature, though it looks cuter as a soft toy. Last Chance to See is a great series.

Guest on 07/18/2011

well this is a first for me...never heard of this.good photos

Jimmie on 07/16/2011

It's one of those animals that is so ugly it's cute.

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