Anything t
hat doesn’t come under an average baby gear list can be relegated to baby stuff. These are the accessories, the baby products that make up the nursery, products that parents use at bath time, feeding time and so on.
There’s a whole host of items that are just as important as the larger, more expensive ones and, sometimes, these are the things that parents can’t manage without. As an example, diaper bags are a must-have accessory, and yet you don't need to rush out and buy one.
That said, they're still an incredibly useful baby product and can be used for a range of different reasons. They’re great for storing the usual essentials such as a few extra diapers, creams, diaper sacks and so on, and yet they’re just as good for storing the little things:
- Pacifiers and teething toys

The above list can include anything that you use or reach for on a regular basis. The idea revolves around the fact that most diaper totes are spacious, full of pockets and niches, which allow you to use them to store lots of related bits and pieces.
On top of that, most moms are pretty mobile. Many work and need the bag ready to go first thing on a morning. Some may enjoy regular outings with baby, or spend time at local baby related groups and social meetings.
Of course a diaper bag isn’t the only type of baby-related product that most parents will need to go out and purchase. There’s a vast array of things that somehow find their way into your home, nursery or both, no matter how much you try and manage without them. As baby grows, so does the need to replace stuff or buy things that are more appropriate according to their age and progress.
Baby jumpers, baby walkers, infant toys, books, the list (sometimes!) feels almost endless. To help you figure out what you are likely to buy once your baby comes along, we’ve collated a list of relevant baby stuff that should work whether or not you’ve had a baby boy or girl.