Best Breast Pumps for New Mothers

by mysteeqz5

Have you decided to breastfeed your newborn? Which breast pump is the best for your needs?

Congratulations on your new baby, he will bring a tremendous amount of joy into your life. Now that you've chosen the best way to feed your child - breastfeeding, what pump should you get? There are various types of breast pumps, manual or electrical, which one will be best for you? There are some things to consider first before you make that purchase.
How often do you plan to pump? Where will you be pumping? If you will need to pump your breastmilk while at work, you are going to need a more portable option.

Do you need an electric or manual breast pump?

You must first determine what you need your breast pump for? How often will you be using it? Where will you be pumping your milk? Are you returning to work and hope to keep up your milk supply? Then you are going to need a pump that is portable and quick. A portable electric pump will get the work done quickly and easily. Are you pumping your milk to create an extra store for daddy to help with feedings? Or you may want to add it into your homemade baby food. You will need to pump daily to build up your supply, therefore, an electric pump would be best for you. Are you hoping to prevent engorgement? Or perhaps you just need a bottle for when you visit the doctor's office or grandma's house? A manual pump would be sufficient for your needs.

How will you be feeding your baby?

Manual Breast Pumps

I would suggest a manual breast pump if you will not be expressing milk everyday. The best manual breast pumps are from Medela and Philips Avent. You will need to pump it in order to stimulate a let down to get the milk flow. They are  both easy to use.


  • less expensive
  • quiet
  • discrete
  • easy


  • may not simulate let down as quickly
  • slow (in comparison to electric models)
  • more work

Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump

Medela Manual breast pump with Flex Shields Harmony Singl...
Only $24.99

Electric Pumps

For everyday milk expression, I would recommend an electric pump since it works more effectively and is able to stimulate a let down without any effort from you. The Medela pump in style is a double pump and comes in a tote bag or back pack if you prefer. It as an plug or it can take batteries if you need it on the go. The Ameda pump comes with a third energy source - car adapter and is a double pump as well.


  • Quick
  • less work
  • quick letdown


  • costly
  • depending on model may be loud

Medela Pump in Style Advance Breast Pump

Medela Pump in Style Plug-in Breast Pump, Wearable in-Bra...
Only $130.0

Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump

Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump

More Supplies

If you will be breastfeeding make sure that you have everything you need to successfully feed your baby. A good nursing bra, nursing pads, cream (for sore nipples), and storage bags for you newly expressed milk are also needed.

Now that you have everything you need to feed your baby, enjoy this time snuggling your little one and watch them as they grow. It will all happen too quickly, enjoy it while it lasts.

Some more reading

You've prepared the nursery for you new arrival and it looks wonderful. But is it safe to have those blankets, toys, or pillows in there with the baby?
Are you thinking of having children or do you have a baby on the way? Make sure you read this first.
Is your baby ready to eat solids? How can you make your own baby food?

Visit my other Articles

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Updated: 12/21/2012, mysteeqz5
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