Billy Blanks is the Man

by FitnessG

Billy Blanks and Tae Bo are amazing. Everyone should have a set of his DVDs.

It is no secret to anyone that knows me that I love Billy Blanks and Tae Bo. He has brought a great deal of health and fitness into my life. I decided to dedicate this article to extolling his virtues and a few of the products he has developed to make the world a fitter, thinner place - products that have made a difference to me.

I come out of every workout session inspired as Billy usually takes the time to leave you with an inspirational little section at the end - Cheesy but incredibly effective. Billy Blanks is an inspirational guy.

A bit about Billy Blanks

Billy Blanks was born in 1955 which makes him over the age of 55 at the moment.  Surprisingly, he was born with a problem in his hip joint which, in normal circumstances would scupper the chances of any would-be martial arts expert.  However, from a young age despite mockery from his peers, he decided that he was going to excel in Karate.  He also determined to become a world martial arts champion.  I am not sure if he reached the world stage in Karate but he definitely did with Tae Bo.

What is Tae Bo?

Tae Bo was developed in 1976 so it is not the most recent program on the market.  Nonetheless it is such an effective workout that works even if you only use it at home.

Tae Bo is a mix of martial arts and boxing and apparently dance.  I personally do not think there is any dance involved but there is definitely martial arts and boxing.

It became a pop-culture craze in the late 90s as a result of an infomercial and mass market videos.  Everyone loved it.  It has aerobic exercises which strengthen the whole of the body.  There is no way to make it through one of these DVDs without sweating buckets and aching muscles, particularly if you are unused to such intense exertion.

The other thing I like about the videos is the seemingly real people who take part in it.  With grunts and groans, they push themselves to the limit.  At the end there is always a sappy group hug and a quote; all to inspire you to just keep coming back.

I love it.

This is Tae Bo - Billy Blanks Videos

Billy Blanks: This Is Tae Bo
Only $8.99

Billy Blanks DVD - This is Tae Bo

This is Tae Bo gives you an all-round workout that really works you out. 

One unfortunate truth about Billy is that he does like to talk and he went to great length in this DVD to talk about its origins.  Despite this, the workout is still great, you can just fast forward through the talky two minutes or so although by that point you just might want a break from the heart pumping exertion.

This Billy Blanks Video is also available in the UK.

The Ultimate Tae Bo DVD Box Set

This box set is probably one of his best.  It starts at basic moves and goes on to intense 30 minute workouts that aim at different parts of your body.  With Billy, you get cardio exercise while toning the various parts of your anatomy so you always get a full body workout.

I do feel that with following this DVD series at least 3 times a week, you will quite easily be able to keep your weight under control unless of course you are eating like a horse and not pushing yourself while doing the exercises.  This pack is surprisingly effective so that immediately saves you money by replacing your requirement for the gym. 

You can get this PT 247 pack in the UK as well. 

Billy Blanks PT 24/7

Billy Blanks: PT 24/7
Only $119.99

Billy Blanks has produced a whole lot of DVDs but they are all permutations of the basic Tae Bo moves.  Overall the DVDs are amazing for building strength, stamina, general fitness, and toning problem spots. 

A great starting point is the PT 24/7 and then you can build on that if you feel you need to.

More Billy Blanks Videos

Other interesting articles

Updated: 05/19/2012, FitnessG
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