Cmoneyspinner's Wizzography

by cmoneyspinner

Been writing personally and professionally for years. Tried writing children's books. Family matters caused me to set aside this ambition. Published freelance writer since 2011.


I am Treathyl Fox aka Cmoneyspinner and this is my Wizzography.

In 1976, I graduated from the University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida USA with a BBA in Accounting and began my career as a bean counter. Worked at it for decades and then one day, the wind blew me in a different direction. These days I busy myself with multiple home business endeavors. One of these endeavors involves writing for

Signed up in 2012 and suffered a severe case of writer's block as soon as I realized there was a requirement to prove myself by having five articles undergo a thorough review and approval process by humans. Did I say “writer's block”? Not it wasn't. It was full blown panic! FIVE ARTICLES??!!! A human review??!! No way! So I ran away!

Several months later, I mustered up the courage to come back. In May 2013 my first Wizzle was accepted and published. It wasn't painful at all.

So here I am … 30 pages later as of November 2013; and they haven't banned me yet! :)

It All Began When ...

Whenever I write about how my freelance writing efforts got started, receives my thanks and appreciation for approving and publishing my first article which was about Angel Mae Taylor, a singer/songwriter, who at the time was a blossoming new talent who had been featured as one of VH1's You Oughtta Know: Artists On The Rise in 2010.  The article was published February 2011:  Indie Artist Profile:  Angel Taylor. It was an incredible feeling to see my face, my name, and my thoughts deemed worthy enough to appear online!!!  The site underwent some changes and the article is no longer published.  No biggie!  Already bitten by the "self-confidence bug". :)

From that point, there was no turning back.  It's been an amazing journey, discovering (and still discovering) various online writing sites, submitting my content, undergoing the review process, and finally receiving publication approval.  You think a person would get used to it, but each time I hold my breath and hit the "publish button".  In my mind, I'm going:  'Please accept it!  Please accept it!  Please!  Please!  Please!'  When that message comes back saying "Congratulations!  Your article is now online.", it's like "YES!!"  Time for the happy dance in my chair!!

You do not understand.  For years, my significant other has been asking "Why can't I find some way to work from home and earn money online?"  Most of the writing sites either charged a fee or wanted experienced writers.  But now, several sites can be found that take newbie writers and have free sign up.

  Wizzley is one of those sites and one of the better sites, I might add. 

True there is a 5 article requirement to get started.  But that's OK.  Because once you're over that hurdle, the door opens wide.  The community is friendly and supportive, the forum is excellent, the management and staff take care to constantly improve and enhance the site's tools and to increase your income earning potential, and writing here is just plain fun!

Don't take my word for it!  Read some of the other Wizzographies.

My Best Wizzles So Far, According to the Stats

Paperweights make perfect gifts! Seldom are they ever re-gifted and some are collectibles. History shows that these decorative objets d'art were stored away as treasure.
A brief introduction to artists who made such a lasting impression, reproductions of their original works adorn many homes and offices.
Lemon tree very pretty. Olive tree very pretty too! In fact, the olive tree has always had a significant role in much of the history of mankind.

These Are My Favorite Wizzles, According to Me

A Renaissance man (or woman) has wide knowledge in many fields. Based on that definition you should be able to objectively answer the question: Are You a Renaissance Man?
The American music audience no longer insist that the harp is just for classical music thanks to breakthrough artists like jazz/gospel harpist Jeff Majors.
It's been over a decade since Gladiator (2000), starring Russell Crowe, was released and its intense appeal has not dwindled or died out. It is still worthwhile viewing. Rated R.
Shining the spotlight on some amazing Vietnamese-American artists.

These Wizzles Should Be in Both Columns

Who cares if Pluto is or is not a planet? There are no trees there. Trees are the reason nobody wants to relocate to anywhere else in the universe.
At what age should one begin to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit in children? Matthew and Adam Toren believe it's never too early.

The Best Thing About Wizzley? It's Global!

Meet People Around the World and Never Leave Your Home
Unity in Diversity Laminated Poster Series. Set of Six Guidance Art...
Jaguar Educational
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Wizzley Welcome Writers!

So what do you think?

Start immediately.  No pressure.  Pick a topic you like.  Write at your own pace.   Best of all? FREE Sign Up. 

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Some of My Other Freelance Writing Projects

Where You Can Find My Other Content or
Samples of My Writing ( in case you want to hire me to write )

When I'm not writing articles for publication here at Wizzley, I publish multiple blogs (posts feed shared below) and am active in other social blogging or online writing communities (see below). They don't really focus on a specific topic. They are (as I hope the names imply) me expressing myself and/or sharing my thoughts.

Freelance writing isn't my only home-based business project. If you want to know more details, "Just Google me!"

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home office

Times Are Changing!

My Dollhouse Never Had a Home Office
Fisher Price Work-At-Home Office
Fisher Price
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Food Ways Presented by Everyday Exotic Spices

When it comes to growing children, it's extremely important to choose drinks that support their health and development. Based on my research (and life experience), her...
Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao), is a board-certified anti-aging expert who asserts that there are 3 spices that promote longevity. That’s right. They can help you live longe...
If you are familiar with the 1904 novel by O. Henry, then you know it's not about collecting cabbage recipes for kings. 😊  It's just that in my high sch...
One good thing leads to another. Started my day scrolling through posts by Tumblr bloggers that I follow. One blogger who loves French inspiration and French-inspire...

Joie de Vivre Magazine

One of my hobbies is collecting tidbits about Tolkien.  My first JDV blog post. "Bio Sketch of J. R. R. Tolkien, Author of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy", sh...
My late sister was an avid reader. She read anything and everything – books, newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, dictionaries. My appreciation for the joys of readin...
Do you appreciate the value of history? Especially ancient history? There is a wonderful website called Ancient History Encyclopedia. The vision statement at their w...
Pomanders started out as small cloth bags that people either wore to hide body odor, or hung in a room to mask unpleasant smells. The cloth bags are still around, thou...

Webnuggetz - The Other Shopping Channel

Been dining out in American restaurants for practically all my life; and there are always two condiments you can find on any table: mustard and ketchup (or catsup). T...
Who started the ugly Christmas sweater fashion trend anyway? Did a little research and it turns out that the City of Vancouver takes credit for holding the first ugly...
Inspiration comes from strange places. Can’t vouch for its historical accuracy as my knowledge of the history of Russia is extremely limited, however, based on ...
Do you often find yourself reflecting back on many fond childhood memories. Many children, especially little girls, can probably remember having a tea party. My big s...
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Cmoneyspinner Weekly thumbnailSubscribe to:
Cmoneyspinner Weekly

A weekly recap consolidating my articles, blog posts, etc. and other items that may be of interest to independent professionals who work from home.




Freelance Writers DigestSubscribe to:
Freelance Writers Digest

So inspired was I by the articles found here at Wizzley and in other online writing communities it motivated me to consolidate the numerous articles by my fellow freelance writers and publish them as a weekly digest.  Writers in these communities are extremely knowledgeable and talented.  This is my way of giving them an honorable mention.


Cmoneyspinner Weekly and Freelance Writers Digest are both published via, a content curation service. Their innovative information tool is easy to use. So now everyday people can create and circulate their own newspapers.

Weekly Pinterest Digest

Updates Every Saturday

Twitter Wknd Wrap-Up

Updates Every Sunday
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Not the Laptop Currently Using to Write My Articles

But Definitely on My Gift Wish List
ASUS Transformer Book T100TA-C1-GR 10...
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Toshiba Satellite C55-A5300 15.6" Lap...
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Dell Venue Pro11-2500BLK 64 GB Tablet (Windows 8.1) - Experience the flexibility of three devices.

Use Venue 11 Pro in tablet or a laptop mode when you're on the go. Compare to other Dell tablets like Dell Venue 8 Pro 32 or 64 GB Tablets
Dell Venue Pro11-2500BLK 64 GB Tablet...
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Dell Venue 8 Pro 64 GB Tablet (Window...
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Electronics, etc.

Writing Isn't the Only Work You Can Do From Home

Hope I've Convinced You. But Just In Case Writing Isn't For You ...
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CreateSpace Independent Publishing Pl...
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Killer Work from Home Jobs: 460 Jobs ...
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* ATTN Wizzlers! * Community Board on Pinterest

Have You Been Invited?

pinterest logoAre you on Pinterest? Would you like to contribute to my Wizzley group board on Pinterest? Message me here at Wizzley with your profile link or eMail address to receive an Invite.


My Wizzley Community Board


To invite you I need the eMail address linked to your Pinterest account. Message me right here at Wizzley. If we both follow each other on Pinterest, I would just need to look up your name and send you an invite. Either way you should receive the Invitation via your eMail and all you have to do is accept it and start adding your Wizzles to the pinboard.


* * Snoop Any Website * *

Wizzley's Snoop Report
Updated: 12/27/2023, cmoneyspinner
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Sungod on 12/30/2015

Hi Cmoney i have been checking out your posts on tumblr and i think you good incite to go along with passion.I would like to know if you have ever ghost written for anyone and if so would you do it.Thanx

cmoneyspinner on 05/05/2015

@candy47 - Your comments are much appreciated. There were other Wizzographies that inspired me too! Thank you for letting me know you were here. So very nice to meet me. Wishing you good fortune! :)

candy47 on 05/05/2015

I've been reading Wizzographies this morning, trying to get inspired to write mine. Nice job you did here! I think I'm ready now...Thanks!

cmoneyspinner on 10/11/2014

@MBC - Greetings my fellow American and thank you so much for connecting with me. Glad you found the Pinterest board. Sent you an invite. :)

MBC on 10/11/2014

Hello, nice to get acquainted with you. I want to join your Pin board - will message you.

cmoneyspinner on 01/13/2014

@ologsinquito - A very sweet compliment from you. Thank you so much. :)
May I say that your humble and lovable personality comes through all of your articles.

ologsinquito on 01/13/2014

This is a great place to write, made that way by people like you. Nice article.

cmoneyspinner on 12/06/2013

@katiem2 - Thank you. The feeling is mutual.

katiem2 on 12/06/2013

Treathyl, I've been a long-time fan you are a wonderful person and a delightful writer. I laughed about the holding your breath part before publishing, I too have done that more times than I can count. I'm so happy to have you here. You dear friend are a wonderful addition to our community and make it a much better place. Always considered a friend and co-worker ;)

cmoneyspinner on 11/26/2013

@WriterArtist - I like the environment in this community as well. It has a calming effect on me. I don't sense any hostility here. Just honest folks trying to work and stay positive. The Wizzley management and staff are very supportive also.

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