Cool Bottle Opener Keychains and How to Save Money on Them

by Regi_B

We all need a bottle opener -- a "church key" -- now and then. This article can point you toward cool ones that will not break the bank.

I like a neat looking bottle opener keychain. Indeed, I carry one right now. It is heavy duty, and represents one of my favorite beer brands. (If I am going to be buying their beer, I might as well use their bottle opener.)

So, what to look for in a keychain bottle opener? That really depends on how cool and unique you want to be.

Are you the life of the party? Then there is a bottle opening keychain for you.

Are you a loner -- a "one-man-show", so to speak? Your cool bottle opener keychain would be about efficiency foremost.

Wherever you fall on the spectrum, there is a coolest keychain with a bottle opener for you.

Bottle Opener Keychains Have Personality!

See What I Mean...

Keychain Bottle Openers Are...

  • Conversation starters -- to "say" the least.
  • The Life of the Party.
  • Fun, fun, fun.
  • Conveyors of convenience.
  • Neat!

Examples of Bottle Opener Keychain Tools

$11.93  $7.19
Only $9.50
Only $9.95

The Best Bottle Opener Keychain Choice for the Money

In the title of this page, I told you it would be about cool keychain bottle openers. I hope I have not disappointed. Below, you see a bottle opener capable of adding to a keychain that is -- indeed -- a recycled item. Once, it was a bicycle chain. Today, it is a bottle opener fit for a keychain. At a price of about seven dollars, you know this heavy-duty bottle opener will not leave you hanging. Long live reducing, reusing, and recycling! 

How to Save Money When You Are Buying a Keychain Bottle Opener

Bottle opener keychains are often unique and (should be) always functional. If you find yourself with one that is not functional, it is probably broken, so replace that thing!

I like a cool bottle opening keychain. Who wouldn't!

There are ways to save on bottle opening keychains, but the nice thing about this item is it starts out at a nice, low price in the first place. If price is the foremost concern for you in buying a new keychain top-popper, then you need only go here and sort the list by price. You will find something suitable there, I am certain.

Out there in the bricks-and-mortar, water-and-air world, the way to save on a keychain bottle opener is to go to a dollar store -- one of those places where everything is priced at a buck. Somewhere there, you should be able to find a cheap keychain with a bottle opener on it. Beware though, it will likely not be the coolest one you have ever seen. Sure, it will be cheep and (likely) functional, but will it be cool? Probably not.

Now, if free is the name of the game, and you have patience abounding, you can wait for a free keychain with bottle opener. Here is how: I imagine like many locales, some type of "fair" comes through your area on a seasonal basis. For me, I know I can get a neat keychain bottle opener -- likely for free -- at the brewers' festival that happens in my city every July. Additionally, state fairs are great places for companies to promote their wares. Often at state fairs, these companies are all in one place -- corralled, if you will -- in one section of the fairgrounds. I am sure you can find one or two booths at your fair where a company is happy to hand out keychain bottle openers with their logo for free. (Now, you need only worry about the price for admittance to the fair.)

Be advised, those bottle openers will not be "cool" (most likely), but they will be free, and that is usually a condition on the "cool side".

Keychain Bottle Openers Available on eBay

Updated: 05/31/2012, Regi_B
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