4 Creative Do It Yourself (DIY) Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

by CeresSchwarz

What makes creating your own Valentine's Day gift so special & meaningful to your lover? What are some of the possible presents that you can do yourself to give to your soul mate?

Rather than buying a Valentine's Day gift for your lover, why don't you consider creating or making your present instead? Doing it yourself will make your gift even more special and meaningful as compared to just going to some store and buying your chosen item.

Why? The reason is because it's so easy to purchase a product. You just go to a store or search around in an online shop, find whatever you're looking for and then buy it. On the other hand, making your own gift takes much time and effort, depending on what you're planning to create. If you make your own present, you can be as creative as you want to be and you can even personalize it so that its recipient will know that this item can't be for anyone else but for him or her.

By creating your own Valentine's Day gift, you can show your girlfriend or boyfriend or husband or wife just how much you love him or her and just how much you care about him or her because you're willing to take the time and the effort to do something for them instead of just resorting to purchasing some random item. This will also differentiate you from all those who decided to go with the usual for the day of hearts. So, what are some creative Valentine's Day gift ideas that you can do yourself?

4 Creative Do It Yourself (DIY) Valentine's Day Gift Ideas
4 Creative Do It Yourself (DIY) Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

1. Valentine's Day Card

Make your own card

Instead of buying a Valentine's Day card for your lover, why don't you just make your own? You can make one that is especially for your special someone. Your card can be as simple or as extravagant as you want it to be.

Don't be too concerned if it ends up looking plain and ordinary in your eyes because, in the eyes of your soul mate, he or she will surely think that your present looks perfectly fine. If you already have colored papers, scrapbook papers, art materials and the like, then you can get started making your Valentine's Day card.

If not, you can easily acquire these materials so you can make the card. You can be as romantic as you want to be in designing the card such as by drawing a lot of hearts and red roses to signify the love and affection that you feel for your partner.

If you're the artistic type, then you can even try drawing a portrait of both you and your girlfriend / boyfriend or wife / husband or even just a couple that is meant to represent the 2 of you. You can draw the figures holding hands or hugging or smiling at each other or doing any other sweet and romantic gesture. If you're not very good with drawing, you can opt to use papers with designs on them already so you won't have to draw anything and you can just write a message of love to your card.

Alternatively, you can also attach a few pictures of both you and your lover on the card.

It can be an image of how you two spent a day together, just having fun and enjoying each other's company. As for the message on the card, remember that you can put whatever you want on it. It doesn't have to be long. Just write sincerely.

If you're a writer, you can even decide to write your significant other a romantic poem.

You can write your message by using colored pencils or markers or pens with different colors or by using any other method that you like.

Alternatively, if you prefer, you can make use of your laptop or computer to make the Valentine's Day card.

You can design said card in an appropriate program such as Adobe Photoshop. You can even use free programs like GIMP.

When you're done with designing the card, you can always print it out to give to your partner unless you prefer to just send the finished item to him or her via email.

Adobe Photoshop

If you prefer, you can always make your Valentine's Day card digitally
Adobe Photoshop Elements 12
$99.99  $65.55

2. Jewelry

Make your own jewelry

Jewelries like rings, earrings, bracelets and necklaces can be good choices as presents for the fourteenth of February. These items can be worn by their recipient and, every time your lover looks at it, he or she can always be reminded of how you gave it to him or her as a gift.

Don't you think this would be even more special and meaningful if you yourself was the one who made the jewelry that you're going to give to your soul mate as a present?

Now, when your partner looks at the jewelry he or she is wearing, he or she can be reminded of how you made it especially for him or her and how you really took the time and effort to make this product.

You don't have to make jewelry from scratch. If you prefer, you can just go with something like the item featured to the right, the Instant Glass Stretch Square Photo Bracelet Kit.

With this item, you get a finished product already. All you need to do is add pictures to the bracelet.

You can add up to 8 square photos on this bracelet. This is the part where you can showcase your creativity as well as take the time and effort in choosing the best photos that should be placed on this bracelet. For a romantic touch, you can get photos that depict both you and your lover doing romantic things together such as walking hand-in-hand, looking into each other's eyes, smiling at each other and just generally being very happy to be with each other.  

However, if you feel that you want to do more or if you're thinking that you really want to try making jewelries for your significant other, then you can go with items like the one featured below. The Class in a Box by Cousin Classic Collection Jewelry Making kit allows you to make 2 necklaces, 2 pairs of earrings and 2 bracelets. You can decide to give all of the finished products to your partner or you can keep a set for yourself so you can have a matching pair with your soul mate.

With this jewelry making kit, you can really be the one to make beautiful jewelry for your sweetheart as a gift for Valentine's Day. It even comes with a full color instruction book to make things easier for you and so you won't have such a hard time making these jewelries.

Jewelry Making Kit

Make your own jewelry for your lover for Valentine's Day
Class in a Box by Cousin Classic Collection Jewelry Making kit
Only $17.82

3. Handkerchief

Personalize and / or design this item

If you're good at sewing or you want to try your hand at it, you can opt to sew your lover's name on a handkerchief or even a t-shirt.

Aside from that, you can even try to sew some patterns or designs on said item.

Sewing your special someone's name on their handkerchief really helps to personalize your gift so your sweetheart will know that the present was really intended for them and couldn't be for anyone else but them alone.

You can buy colored or white handkerchiefs with some designs on it already such as in the case of the women's handkerchiefs featured to the left. In this case, you can sew your spouse or girlfriend's name on the part of the item that doesn't have any patterns or designs.

The sewn name can be a very good addition to a handkerchief that already has patterns.

On the other hand, if you prefer to be the one to sew on your own designs and patterns, then you can buy a simple and plain white handkerchief such as the men's handkerchiefs featured to the right.

There's no need to limit yourself to these items though. You can decide to sew your lover's name on a shirt or maybe even their coat or other such pieces of clothing.

Perhaps, you can even add some designs or sew their names on such items as pillowcases and blankets and the like.

4. Tumbler

Design this item

If your lover travels around a lot, then it's a good idea to give them a tumbler as a Valentine's Day gift.

In this way, they can take this item with them wherever they go and, every time they look at their present, they will be reminded of the one who gave it to them.

Make your tumbler gift even more special and meaningful by actually being the one to design said item.

You can buy tumblers like the Photo Stainless Steel Travel Tumbler - Create Your Own featured to the left. which allow you to add your own design.

Travel Tumbler

Create your own design
Photo Stainless Steel Travel Tumbler - Create Your Own
Only $14.99

You can choose to add pictures to this tumbler. You can go with ones that feature both you and your soul mate. You can go with a sweet and romantic picture that will surely make your sweetheart smile and reminisce on the time and day that the photo had been taken.

Aside from photographs, you can also decide to just draw your own design for the tumbler. You can draw something that is related to Valentine's Day or just about anything that you know will appeal to your partner.

Photo Stainless Steel Travel Tumbler - Create Your Own

You can add photos of you and your lover to the Tumbler you're designing
You can add photos of you and your lo...
Design your own Tumbler as a Valentine's Day gift
Design your own Tumbler as a Valentin...


These are just some of the creative Valentine's Day gift ideas that you can consider doing yourself.

Instead of buying a present for your lover, you can decide to make or design the item yourself.

With this, you can show just how much you really love and care about your partner, so much so that you will take the time and effort to make him or her a present, which he or she will surely consider special and meaningful.

What do you think of these DIY gift ideas for the day of hearts? What kind of gift does your soul mate want to receive?

Are you going to make your own Valentine's Day gift for your lover?

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Image Source:

  • The '4 creative do it yourself (DIY) Valentine's Day gift ideas' image above was modified by Ceres Schwarz
  • The original, unedited image is by Rusembell, CC:BY, via deviantArt
  • Rest of the images are enlarged pics of the products from Amazon.com
Updated: 06/30/2016, CeresSchwarz
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CeresSchwarz on 02/05/2014

@Mira - thank you. I think making jewelry is a good idea too. People can channel their creativity by coming up with the jewelry they envision. And jewelries can really make for great gifts especially for those that love these items.

Mira on 02/04/2014

I like the jewelry making idea best. Probably because I love to make jewelry. Not very good at it, but it relaxes me and the results are often nice. They also make great gifts.

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