Over the course of 14 minutes the JMod seems to engage emotionally.
With the final post indicating some frustration and the Jmod justifies his status as a player by describing in-game accomplishments.
But even before that, right at the very beginning, we see an emote, :P
A cheeky little grin if you will.
So how in 14 minutes, and with only 17 player posts in that time, did the Jmod get frustrated?
I don't intend to answer the questions I raise, they are merely talking points.
Now imagine if this JMod continues.
What will be the likely pattern of behaviour?
Will exuberant helpfulness be the order of the day? Or is it more likely the JMod will become ever-more reluctant to communicate on forums, and less happy when doing so.
What does that indicate for Runescape's future?
The last thing I'd recommend is customer relations training. It's mostly bullshit. And customers will rip apart people bearing gifts of bullshit.
But having some awareness, deconstructing what happens, will let JMods become aware of what goes on inside them, and they can come up with their own fixes then.