Learning all the in's and out's of blogging was overwhelming, especially to someone with an outside job. I couldn't sit at a computer all day to learn and I couldn't spend hundreds of dollars day after day for courses that just wanted my money and didn't teach me a thing. Then I found The Niche Blogger - Make Money Blogging and here's my story.

Does Niche Blogging Really Work?
by terrilorah
Here's my review of The Niche Blogger, a course I took last year to learn how to blog. An honest review from a 50 yr. old Grandma!
Is Niche Blogging My Cup O' Tea?
Choosing The Right Course
For quite a few years I have been playing around on the internet, writing articles for places like Ezine and writing or should I say scribbling on blogger.com. But then I had this desire to get serious about it because I was reading so many blogs and articles about people who have made a decent living writing online.
I'm old school, well, I'm an official baby boomer now! Just hitting 50 this past year puts me in whole different category making me eligible for AARP. They've been haunting me since I was 49. Getting older has given me a chance to look back and see what I truly love and enjoy from life and since writing is one of my favorites, I really wanted to move ahead with an online presence. Frankly, I wanted a piece of the pie! Earning money online just seemed like a far fetched dream.
Could I do it? Well, the answer is yes! The problem is many people pay out money and expect instant results. I'm here to tell you that won't happen. Getting your blog out there and marketing is an art. It takes work, dedication and consistency, just like anything else in life. Successful people do not find their riches overnight, they set goals, make plans and work it!
The Niche Blogger is the course to take if you want to know the basics of how to blog.
Can a 50 Yr Old Non-Blogger Learn To Blog?
Or, Did I Waste My Money On A Dead End Course?
When I first checked out Amy's course, I wasn't sure I could do it. But,then I saw she taught her mom to do it and she was also 50. I took a 3 day trial just to see if this was nonsense or if I could truly learn to blog.
The first day was a bit overwhelming and exciting at the same time. Amy's nice teaching voice on the videos didn't make me feel like I couldn't follow along. She talked to me in a no nonsense normal tone, not giving me all that crazy jargon I couldn't follow.
I decided to take a chance. I wasn't one to spend money on all kinds of junk online. Well, to be honest I didn't have lots of spare change lying around. Like many out there, day to day living took up most of my paycheck from the nursing home I worked in, so when I found something, it had to be good or I didn't buy!
I thought I'd take a chance on Amy's The Niche Blogger and see if I could make some extra money. It would be nice to have some extra dollars now and again.
So the choice was to pay the lifetime fee which was more than I wanted to chance on a blogging course or pay monthly. I chose monthly as it was more in my range. Why not spend twenty bucks on something that may make me that twenty bucks back in the future?
When I got to know the folks on the membership forum, I found a great place for help. I couldn't believe these people were so willing to answer my questions so quickly and actually give me free advice. Let me tell you, when I look back on all the questions I asked, I kind of cringe at the thought that I was probably a real pain in the...
After about 6 months, Amy offered to upgrade me to a lifetime membership at a really substantial discount so I did it! I knew that I would want to keep this course and be able to be a part of it. I highly recommend it if you are like me and need to learn niche blogging from the beginning to end.
I'm still learning, but I'm making money. It takes awhile. First, you'll see pennies, then as time goes on, it will increase as you put more out there. You are the one to decide how much you make, you have control. You can make a little, or you can devote more time and make more money.
This Is A Sneek Peek Inside The Course!
This May Help to Keep Everything Organized.
For Newbie or Pros
![]() | The Niche Blogger Blogging Organizer Workbook: Keep Track Of And Organize Your BlogsOnly $13.97 |
Two of my Blogs I am working on
My Patriotic Blog
This is one of my first loves, buying and finding products made in the USA by American Owned Comany's
Boomer Health
I just started working on this one, it's all about turning 50 and becoming an official baby boomer. I like to find healthy things to do and what to do to keep our youth and health
Can you Blog?
All in All, The Niche Blogger Will Teach You How To Blog
So you see, even this 50 year old, AARP Grandma can learn how to blog and you can too if you have the right info. I'm going to give my affiliate link below because I can earn dollars if you sign up. Let me show you the results I've had just sharing this with someone else. I should tell you I hadn't been promoting this at all last year but then right after christmas I started showing my blogs on facebook and twitter and got some sales just from there. It was so simple and she pays out 50% and really does pay :)
Raw | Unique | Transactions | Credit | Debit | Total | |
March, 2012 | 23 | 20 | ||||
February, 2012 | 15 | 13 | 1 | 98.50 | 98.50 | |
January, 2012 | 16 | 15 | 1 | 9.98 | 9.98 | |
December, 2011 | 0 | 0 | ||||
November, 2011 | 0 | 0 | ||||
October, 2011 | 1 | 1 | ||||
September, 2011 | 0 | 0 | ||||
August, 2011 | 0 | 0 | ||||
July, 2011 | 0 | 0 | ||||
June, 2011 | 0 | 0 | ||||
May, 2011 | 0 | 0 | ||||
April, 2011 | 7 | 5 | ||||
1 | 1 | |||||
TOTAL | 63 | 49 | 2 | 108.48 |
108.48 |
It's not going to pay my mortgage but it's a start and when you work it day after day, you will see results from many different places.
Try The Niche Blogger for FREE! Click Here for a FREE 3 Day Trial
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I've cut down the number of blogs and websites because they are too time consuming.I have made very little in sales but wanted to gain some traffic.
You seem to pick a good topic or two and I hope it continues to be successful.
HI Wrapitup4me, glad you got inspired and someday you will just have to. Thanks for your comment, it is much appreciated.
I will probably bite the bullet one of these days, but I'm not ready yet. So much to learn. You have inspired me, however. Just wanted you to know that.
You should explore it Tolovaj. I work full time so it took me longer to start making money, but now the way the course teaches you to set it up, I have a steady income coming in from 2 of the blogs. It does take perserverence but I'm online every day anyway so adding a bit of work each day is actually fun. Good luck and nice to talk to you.
I write about eight to twelve blogs at the moment but use them only to support my main site. They never earned me any money. Making sales through blogs is pretty new idea to me. An inspiring too. Thanks!
ohcaroline, I am finding that it does tend to get away from you if you don't organize. I just bought the Niche blogger organizer workbook for myself because the more blogs I am making, the less organized I am becoming. But you can make yourself a check list. Maybe I"ll do that for another article.
I have two blogs but don't seem to be able to keep them up. Too many other internet responsibilites...then no time left for blogging. I think I could do better...just need more time. :)
Mladen, good to hear from you. It's great that your passion for blogging shows in what you write...and like you said, just keep doing it your way.
I started blogging 4 months ago. I write about things I am familiar with. For example, my first blog was about bunnies. I have a bunny, and at the time I was researching a lot about them. So, it was natural for me to share those fresh and useful information on bunnies.
I was surprised few days ago (that is after 4 months) that my post was on first google page in 2 days. So, yes, the older the blog is, the better. Four months is nothing, but I see results of wirting about what I am good at, posting regulary and not giving up.
I never heard about niche blogging, but I didn't start writing for the income. I wanted to meet people, and to help others who need information I can provide. Now I am impoving my skils, and more and more my posts and articles rank on the first google page in only few days, and my traffic is increasing.
I always liked to learn and hear adviced, but to choose my own way of doing things.
2uesday, that's great that you like to write what you know. I think posting regular is a must for blogging. I learned to schedule them so that there is a steady posting going on, which does help and the older your blog is, the better it seems to me.
Thanks BrendaReeves, I think you will like it if you check it out.