Google and ZMOT

by Michey

ZMOT is a great study case coming from a Google insider who explains the change in buyers behavior which happen under our watch. Buyer and/or seller, it is about you and me.

Jim Lecinski's Winning the ZMOT

Google ZMOTFor me it was a great surprise to have on my hands a technical eBook which I couldn't drop after I started to read.
This usually happen with good novels but also happen to me with Jim Lecinski's free eBook "Winning the Zero Moment Of Truth".

What it is? Just a study case of buyers behavior which happen under our watch, a new trend in marketing.

As each of us is a buyer and a seller under the same hat, I suggest reading the entire eBook even though it has 95 pages, don't be worry, excluding the fancy graphics it is probably around 86 pages of pure text:

The Zero Moment Of Truth

If you want to find out in summary, you can read a short presentation I create:

Google's ZMOT Review

As much I like people to read my posts, I have to be honest to tell you that reading the entire eBook is preferable in this case.

In this post, I am not going to duplicate content, but I give you my humble opinion

What I Like About ZMOT

This is what I like about Jim's eBook:

  • How deep the analysis goes
  • How the study case span over all major categories
  • How buyers and seller are treated equally, as the study actually offers tools and trains both
  • How the statistical data is presented
  • Learn how we can win at ZMOT
  • We have to keep our eye on the future, so how to customize for mobile marketing
  • To understand the intricacy of this publication... there are two schools of thought on how people shop:
    • It is FMOT vs. ZMOT 
    • It is old vs. new
    • It is the subconsciously shopper decision vs. shoppers in charge decision
    • It is impulsive buyers vs. educated buyers
  • Which category from above will win, why, and how?

Zero Moment Of Truth

ZMOT approch
ZMOT approch
My graphic

Google Knowledge

Web Analytics 2.0: The Art of Online Accountability and Science of Customer Centricity

Adeptly address today’s business challenges with this powerful new book from web analytics thought leader Avinash Kaushik. Web Analytics 2.0 presents a new framework that will ...

$25.34  $2.14

What Is ZMOT?

Time to tell you a 2 month old little story.

I am walking one hour per day to keep myself in shape.  So my snickers must be replace frequently.  In august this year I decided that I needed a new pair.

What I usually do?

I love FILA. So I opened an on-line FILA-Store, one I used in the past to buy from, and I chose a pair.

What I did this year?

I went on my favorite FILA store... and I didn't like the new prices and even the new models, so I spent an entire evening doing research. I browsed 5-6 other on-line stores which had running shoes, I looked at ratings, I read comments and reviews. I made a list of 3 snickers I like, but they were brands I wasn't enough familiar with. I opened a couple of review sites: Yelp, Epinions, and I read a couple of reviews.

win ZMOTI finally found the right snickers for me, a model I like, at the right price, they are not FILLA but a brand with great reviews (Adidas Kanadia).

This is precisely

The Zero Moment Of Truth

between I knew a product I wanted and I bought it, I spent my time to find exactly what I wanted, with other words, instead to be an impulsive buyer, through research I educated myself to find exactly what I want.

Google calls this the zero moment of truth. According with their statistics, in 2010 shoppers searched 5.3 sources to find info, and in 2011 shoppers searched an average of 10.5 sources of info prior to take a decision about what they want and if they want to buy.  It is a double in just one year.

ZMOT Video

Updated: 10/21/2011, Michey
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Michey on 03/16/2013

this is a new trend, very well explained so we have to keep abrest with the new... thanks for stopping by

BrendaReeves on 08/02/2012

I do most of my shopping online now. I never cared that much for the shopping mall. Thanks for the article.

Michey on 08/02/2012

katiem2, you are 100% right, the sell-buy habits are changing as we speak, so we have to follow them and change with them.... it is easy NO, but we have to do it. Sometime when we learn and are comfortable with a procedure... we are hesitant to jump and change the habit, this is why I insist in following the trends. This time with ZMOT Google give us a hand... for a change!
Thank you for stopping by

katiem2 on 08/02/2012

Very true internet shoppers are becoming more savvy about their product research, it is for this very reason it is vital to create sales articles that are just that, for sales. Target a particular item, use product brand names in the article and make it clear you're offering a particular product for sale. Hopefully your precise product sales page will land in the buyers cycle of research.

Tolovaj on 05/22/2012

Sure you did. I just downloaded a book. And I have to agree from my experience. People who buy books on line spend more time for checking and comparing and I don't think they are looking just the price tags...


Michey on 03/05/2012

You are welcome, you have the right attitude toward learning and adapting.
About the changing times... My take is... it will get worst prior to get better, so we have to do whatever it takes to survive, learn and change the course wen it is necessary.

Michey on 03/04/2012

Exactly, the customers are more sophisticated nowadays, the learning curve to shop on-line is done and they use the Internet power to find more info, to compare items and brands... so we the sellers must change our tactics, and add to out skills to keep up with the progress.
Thank you for stopping by.

Holistic_Health on 11/08/2011

Glad you're bringing this to my attention as I hadn't heard of it.

Michey on 10/24/2011

You are welcome!

thranax on 10/24/2011

Thanks for sharing this Michy, an excellent ebook to read. Grabbed my copy and will be reading it!


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