How to avoid Christmas - ways to escape the Xmas madness

by BardofEly

Christmas is coming and is traditionally a holiday and time of happiness and celebration but many people today hate it. They find Christmas too commercial and stressful.

How to escape Xmas
Christmas is coming and I bet a lot of you reading this are dreading it. I am sure many of you would love to find a way of escaping Christmas altogether and I am going to suggest a few ways it can actually be achieved.
Yes, there are some people who have managed to opt out of all the madness of this time of the year. No more hurried and stressful Christmas shopping for them, no more hastily scribbled Xmas cards, no more giving and receiving of unwanted gifts.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to remove Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day from your seasonal calendar? It can be done!

Jehovah's Witnesses

Christmas is against your religion

One way is to become a Jehovah's Witness. This fundamentalist Christian sect don't believe in Christmas at all and don't celebrate it. In their way of looking at life, the universe and everything, it would actually be a bad thing to do to celebrate a festival that has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus according to their beliefs.

Jehovah's Witnesses adhere strictly to every sentence and word in their versions of the Holy Bible. If it isn't in there then it is not something we need to know about and certainly not something to get involved in when it comes to our spiritual lives and duties. In fact it might well be sinful behaviour and more pleasing to Satan than to Jehovah God.

The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that everything in the Bible is the truth and is the word of God. Nowhere does it command that we should celebrate Xmas or state that Jesus was born on 25 December. It has all been made up and tagged onto the pagan Winter Solstice festival.

Of course there was a very good reason for people to celebrate the Winter Solstice because they knew that the shortest day and the longest hours of darkness had been reached, and now the Sun would be returning. The days would be getting longer again, spring would be on its way. Yes, indeed, a good cause for celebrations! Celebrating the birth each day of the Sun and not that of the Son of God.

Of course if you follow my suggestion and become a Jehovah's Witness there will be no more Christmases for you. But then you could simply tell everyone you know that you are afraid Christmas is against your religion, and it would be true.

Your friends and relations may not like it at first but they´ll get used to it and in the years ahead you will no longer need to bother about it. You will have to follow your new religion but think of how relived you will feel that never again will you face the pre-Christmas stresses and strains. And think of how much you will save too!

Winter Solstice words and music

An important date in the pagan calendar
Winter Solstice

In Winter Solstice Rosamunde Pilcher brings her readers into the lives of five very different people....Elfrida Phipps, once of London's stage, moved to the English village of D...

St. Martin's Paperbacks
$1.72  $5.7

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The Winter Solstice

Presents facts and folklore about the shortest day of the year, a day that has been filled with magic since ancient times.

Millbrook Press
$8.49  $1.78

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A Winter's Solstice: Windham Hill Artists

Windham Hill Records
$12.63  $64.98

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A Winter's Solstice III

A Winter's Solstice III by VariousThis product is manufactured on demand using CD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

Windham Hill Records
$6.07  $19.13

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Best books on Atheism

Reasons not to believe in God
God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything

$16.6  $8.89

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The God Delusion

Mariner Books
$17.41  $10.55

View on Amazon

Become an atheist

Don't bother with religion

If you don't fancy becoming a Jehovah's Witness bypass religion altogether. Become an atheist! Just have a word with all your family and friends and tell them how it is. Just come clean about how you really feel.

Explain that because you don't have any religious beliefs making you think that Christmas is a holy night or anything like that. Tell them that every year you see Christmas as just becoming more of a time when as many manufacturers, shops and services can try and sell you a lot more than at any other time of the year. And what's worse they will try and make you feel guilty if you don't do your Christmas shopping and your share of the giving of Christmas presents.

Say that with the ongoing economic crisis that none of us can afford buying stuff we don't need. Explain that after considering these points that you have reached a firm decision and that that decision means no more Christmas for you.

Some people will be shocked but let them get over their initial problem. Remember it is their problem and not yours! Next year they will know what to expect from you and what not to expect! You will be free of Christmas. Think what a great relief that will be!

A Christmas Carol with Jim Carrey

Dickens story with Ebenezer Scrooge

Bah humbug greetings cards

If you feel like Scrooge about Xmas now you can show your feelings with a card

Ebenezer Scrooge

Bah humbug!

Remember the Charles Dickens story of A Christmas Carol and how the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge exclaimed "Bah! Humbug!" in his contemptuous attitude towards Christmas.

Yes, in the story he gets visited by ghosts that convince him that he was wrong but I say that he wasn't wrong. Ebenezer Scrooge had the right attitude after all. If you want to escape Christmas simply adopt a "Bah! Humbug!" attitude to it all. Then make a stance, tell the world how you are not going to celebrate it any more! Celebrate being free of Christmas! Do the Scrooge!

Copyright © 2012 Steve Andrews. All Rights Reserved.

Bah humbug in A Christmas Carol

Dickens classic with Ebenezer Scrooge
A Christmas Carol (picture book edition)

In this luminous picture book adaptation of Charles Dickens' immortal classic, the story of Ebenezer Scrooge leaps off the page to warm the soul of one and all. Be swept away in...

HarperCollins  / $16.09  $132.82

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TCM Greatest Classic Films Collection: Holiday (Christmas in Connecticut / A Christmas Carol 1938...

A CHRISTMAS CAROL (1938) Reginald Owen portrays Charles Dickens’ holiday humbug Ebenezer Scrooge, the miser’s miser who has a huge change of heart after spirits whisk him into t...

Turner Classic Movie  / Only $33.98

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A Christmas Carol - The Musical (2004 TV Film)

Golden Globe and Emmy winner Kelsey Grammer (Frasier) breathes new life into the musical adaptation beloved by millions of theatergoers every holiday season as it comes to telev...

Jay Records  / Only $14.6

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Updated: 10/26/2012, BardofEly
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BardofEly on 10/22/2012

Good for you, Tiggered! I have very little to do with it myself but, having said that, I am still trying to make some online income from my articles on the subject! lol

Tiggered on 10/22/2012

The real meaning of Christmas today is spending money and getting people to spend money. As I'm not very much interested in either, I signed off quite a while ago. It didn't hurt at all :)

BardofEly on 10/22/2012

So did I, as it happens, and once went to Kingdom Hall in Cardiff. Thanks for your comments!

dustytoes on 10/22/2012

I actually studied with Jehovah Witnesses for a while but did not find their beliefs something for me. I don't think that changing your religion is the way to avoid Christmas. I would like to see people who celebrate Christmas be more generous to people who need the help instead of giving unneeded gifts to people (and kids) who already have too much.

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