Snow and Ice

by Mujjen

Winter is beautiful with all the snow and ice. Here you will find some tips on how to have a great winter.

Mixed feelings about winter

snowy landscapeSome people love the winter, actively using every week of it. To some people, it is a nightmare shoveling snow and feeling cold. There are reports that show an increase in suicides during winter and holiday seasons. (read more about Seasonal Affective Disorder)

Most of us have mixed feelings. There are many occasions for play during winter, especially when there is snow. But the cold and dark (depending on in which country you live) can be taxing. Let's see a few things that can make winter more enjoyable!

Spending time with family and friends

Winter is a perfect time to spend some more time with your family. Most people are free at least a few days around Christmas and New Year. Get together, play games, go skiing together, cook together. The key-word is "together". Since the children are free from school, you can go to museums or cinema. Make some research of what is available in your area and let them choose.

Since holiday times can be hard on people who are alone, see if you can include somebody in your activities. No need to fuss too much usually, just let them be a part of one day in your life.

Games to play with family and friends

Wits & Wagers Family

The most award-winning party game in history... now available for the whole family! Wits & Wagers Family Edition has 300 new family-oriented questions and simplified rules and ...

$31.0  $24.97
Sounds Like a Plan

What's the best plan for climbing Mt. Everest? How about the worst plan for making a million bucks? Find out in this party game that's all about giving outrageous advice! ...

Only $31.99

Accumulating sets is the aim of the game, but it's holding onto them that's the trick! Each player is dealt seven cards, from which sets are quickly formed and placed face up ...

$17.0  $44.44

Time for crafting

winter carBecause of the weather, we usually spend a lot of time indoors during the winter. Stock up on things for crafting. It does not have to be expensive. Save paper rolls, egg boxes, etc. With some glue and colors you can create a lot of useful things.

If you run out of ideas, have a look at the web-site of  Art Attack. This is a program which is aired in different countries, showing kids how to do craft in a simple way.

Finally on DVD

See the fantastic images from the extreme poles of the earth. The Arctic and Antarctic may look barren on pictures, but they are full of life. The skilled team (who are also behind the movies Planet Earth and The Blue Planet) have gone to great lengths to film this wilderness, which is under threat by climate changes. Visit the den of a polar bear, see the killer whale in action and simply enjoy the beauty of these difficult to access places.

Frozen Planet

Amazing film
Frozen Planet
$11.3  $6.34

Do you like snow?

Time for music

Winter is a good time to go to concerts, in many places there is a lot of choice. Even at home we need music.  Sometimes just like back-ground music while working or visiting with friends. Other times it is nice to sit down and actually enjoy the music, maybe in front of a crackling fire.

Do you like classical music?

Beethoven: The Complete String Quartets
$7.58  $81.21

Be active

Especially after eating too much during holidays

We might prefer going for walks in the warm, light summer evenings. When the gardens are full of flowers and we don't need all those layers of clothes. But winter sports can be great fun, involving the whole family. In many cities there are ice-rinks where you can skate for free or cheap, you can go skiing, or simply make a snowman. Why not organize the neighbor-hood kids in a big snowball fight? If there is no snow where you live, going for walks or biking are other options.

Ice Skates

Wish these pink ones had been available when I was a kid, they are gorgeous
Lake Placid Starglide Girl's Double Runner Figure Ice Skate

Some useful links

How to de-ice your driveway
Practical tips and machines that will help you combat the snow and ice.

The best salt to use for de-icing your driveway
Find a description of the different salts available, helping you choose the one that is best for you.

Games for the blind
There are many games available which have been adapted for the blind or visually impaired.

Updated: 11/28/2011, Mujjen
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How do you spend your winters? Always in front of the fireplace?

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Guest on 12/09/2011

i have a love hate relationship with winter. As long as the days are sunny, I'm alright. The windy,cold days make me grumpy.

irenemaria on 11/28/2011

When we get lots of snow and then the temperature falls and stay below zero, then it is the kind of winter I can live with. Snow is good for plants and trees and I have seen children laughing so much playing with the snow.

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