Michey Hobbies
by Michey
Our personality is reflected on hobbies we have, big events of our life, and even small details in specific circumstances.
My life in a nut shell
Today I look over to a different angle of my personality - my hobbies, as I don't want to duplicate info with my Blog.
You can read about my life and activities over the years on "About me Page" on this Blog.
I was born in a family where each person have had a couple of hobbies, so when little Michey started to have hobbies, the event was encouraged, and helped... as natural development for the kid..
By the way... Do you Wizzle? If you don't, I encorage you to try it, let's do it togheder.
Hobbies as a Kid.
As a kid I collected stamps and postcards starting on early age under the guidance of my father. It looks as a trivial hobby for a kid but looking back I have to tell you that it was educational and helpful.
From the beginning my "collection" was a box full of stamps (... I was just 7 years old). One day Daddy said "Michey you have great stamps but you have to organize them by countries and maybe within the country by themes". So he put a huge Geographic Atlas and a magnify lens on my desk. I worked tireless to create a classification of my treasure, but I was gentry guided by Daddy.
When I was ready he said "Bravo! But I like you to write about your collection"... Oh Boy! To make the story short he invented 3-4 projects around my stamps collection.
This really was educational and helped me in 2 great ways:
- A learned Geography at early age
- As an adult, when I left my native country for a touristic visit in west, in which I had in mind the idea of not coming back, according with the communist rule, I was alowed to carry with me just $10.00 pocket money. This was ridiculous. So, I chose a couple of valuable stamps from my collection, hide them ofcourse, and in Wien Austria, I sold them, and I got 800 German Marks. This in 1980 in Europe was a treasure and an open door for me to start my new life in west.
The geography I learn from stamps collection, the postcard collection and the trips in Mountains with Daddy were the stat of my hobbies as an adult which I carried over with me the rest of my life.
The picture is Michey one year old... no stamps collection at that point...
Hobbies as an Adult
As an adult my precious hobbies are:
- The love for traveling
- The love for mountains hiking, climbing
- Outdoors - camping
- The love of reading
- The Internet
I really fulfill the love of traveling only after I arrived in States in August 1980. It was easy as I worked as an IT consultant for years and I had projects in: New Jersey where I live, Manhattan NY, Pennsylvania, Baltimore (MD), Dallas (TX), New Orleans (LA), Bakersfield (CA) and San Francisco (CA). I worked of course, but in long weekends I was a happy tourist, and we often vacationing around those places.
In addition of what my consulting life allowed me to do, my husband and I took vacations not related with my work:
- St Thomas American Virgin Island)
- Hawaii
- Smoky Mountains
- Adirondack
- Florida
- Cape Code
- Niagara
- Outside USA: Mexico, Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland
So my dreams came true in the big way and I was happy an humble with the opportunities which this generous country offered to me.
I still love my native country Romania, but I love America as well, and I have a strange felling as... I was living twice in 2 different worlds in just one life.
Now I present to you my family: Mom at her 80th anniversary, my husband and me.
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I agree, over the years I learn a lot from hobbies, and my father was special, he has the concept that all will do with kids must be educational starting with presents and ending with good schools, colleges.
Thanks for stopping buy and read my post
Hobbies are a great way to learn about who you are and what you like. A great hobby continually teaches you knew things. Your father sounds like a very smart man and creative too.
Thank you AJ, this is exactly the point I want to make, that we can learn a lot from hobbies... if they are constructive, educational type of hobbies.
Thanks for stopping by.
Great to see you here on Wizzley, Michey, and read about your stamp collecting and other hobbies. I collected stamps and coins as a kid too and learned a lot from those hobbies. I gave my stamp collection to one of my cousins many years ago, but still do have my coin collection. I agree, there is much to learn from hobbies...stay blessed! :)
So you also learn from stamps collection as a kid
Thanks for reading my presentation.
Great article. Speaking about stamp collections. I had stamps from every country as a kid. My mother sold them in a garage sale.
Thanks, it was a great idea coming from my father.
Thanks for stopping by.
The stamp collection sounds like a great idea for you to learn a great deal. Very nice!
Thanks for sharing. How lucky you are to have traveled to such beautiful places.
Thanks AJ, The story with my father is very precious to me as 2 years from that time, God decided to take him from my life forever. Even now I miss him.
Mom started to be mother, father, friend of mine... She struggle to work, provide good education for me, and this explain why now when Mom is 96, she is my first priority.
Thanks for reading the story.