Music Mix | Our Treat

by cmoneyspinner

It's a typical Friday night at our house. My SO (significant other) is consistently predictable. How are we going to start our weekend? JAMMING!

Some people say you should keep romance in your marriage by staying fresh, vibrant, mysterious, unpredictable, surprising!

Actually, there's a lot to be said for predictability. Been married for a little more than three decades. Hasn't been all sunshine but we've weathered the storms and very much enjoyed the rainbows after the rain ... uh ... the floods ... the deluge!

The older you get, the more you appreciate the "expected comfort zone", i.e. habits (or peculiarities) developed over years and years and years of living together.

Like enjoying personalized jam sessions every Friday night!

An Eclectic Music Mix

Think of it as your mood swinger

Would you think it peculiar to have your own personal jam master?

It's a typical Friday night at our house. After a full week, my significant other (we'll call him SO) - SO and I settle down to relax for the weekend. I know exactly what to expect. He's consistently predictable.

My SO loves music. Sure! Don't we all? Yes. But not like how my SO does! He plays the guitar during his quiet moments. Or during the moments when he need quieting.  At one time he was in a band.

hugs and musicAt the end of a week, our weekend usually begins with him rummaging through his cassettes, CDs and video tapes and choosing a wide variety of musical artists to listen to. The result is quite an eclectic music mix. Sometimes I am allowed to hear my "special requests". But most of the time he is not to be disturbed when wearing his "DJ hat". It's tradition! :)

Since our taste in music is very similar (most of the time), I just sit back and feel the vibes!

I like to think of these weekly personal jamming sessions as my mood swinger.

What's Next Mister DJ?

Amateur Music Mixing: Best Fun Ever!

A typical jamming session at our house starts off with the one we all pay homage to as "the hardest working man in show business"; the late, the great, James Brown.

Do you dare ask "What's Next Mister DJ?"
Sometimes. But not too often. My SO can be compared to Emperor Kuzco in the cartoon "The Emperor's New Groove".   You do not want to throw off his groove!!

No worries. Popular old school and new school music artists with a few smooth jazz instrumentals weaved in.  You will be quite satisfied with your musical excursion.

Old School? New School?

From Vinyl Records to iTunes

SO and I are old school, and most of our musical treasure is the form of cassettes, CDs, video tapes and even a few vinyl records. No 8-track tapes.

My kids listen to their music ... like Justin Bieber, Rihanna and Katy Perry ... via MP3 downloads, iTunes.  They also groove a little to music from back in our day like Queen, Tears for Fears, Beatles, Commodores, etc.  Because they have accepted that the sounds and songs from our generation are the best!  That's why rappers sample it!!

No matter which format, it's still good music!

I Wish (Album Version)
Only $1.29
Time Passages
Only $1.29
Rhino/Warner Bros.
Only $1.29
? 2010 Music Songs Music
$17.2  $16.71
The Very Best Of Smooth Jazz Guitar
Shanachie Entertainment
Only $9.49

BLOGS I LIKE: Jazz Lives

Features live video, essays, rare photographs, films, reviews, etc.
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Currently on eBay

Alfred Gockel named Official Artist of Top 10 Jazz Festival.

Thumbnail Image Credit
Spontaneous Jam  By: Alfred Gockel
Spontaneous Jam By: Alfred Gockel
Gockel's art features bright colors and designs influenced by such great artists as Picasso, Miro, Dali, and Chagall
Updated: 08/21/2017, cmoneyspinner
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cmoneyspinner on 02/21/2014

@sheilamarie - Evert try to see if you can sing "I know" as many times as Bill Withers did? I run of out of breath. :) Thanks for stopping by!

sheilamarie on 02/20/2014

I love your Friday night tradition! Your music choices have brought back happy memories. Now I'm singing "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone"!
I know I know I know I know . . .

cmoneyspinner on 02/06/2014

:) My goodness! Just had a flashback!
@EmmaRose - When he was younger he was a seriously mean guitar player. His health is failing him these days. His heart is weakened and it is too much of a strain for him to hold the chords down now. But I do have fond memories of him playing songs like "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone" by Bill Withers and some of his favorite calypso tunes (he's from The Bahamas).

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Treathyl Fox (aka Cmoneyspinner) - HomeBiz Entrepreneur. Freelance Writer. Blogger. Affiliate Marketer. © 2012 - 2025

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