Projection Alarm Clock with iPhone Dock
by Scaevola
Looking for a nice alarm clock with a projection function so you never have to turn around again? There are nice iPhone docks which do so!
Sometimes you just need one little object to overcome your sleepiness, for instance a projection alarm clock with iPhone dock. A alarm clock like this projects the time on your wall. Exactly the thing you loved to have when you were little.
As you are more grown up now you can probably still admire this type of alarm clock, only now you wish to have more functionality. And being a person with an iPhone, what is better than a projection alarm clock with iPhone dock! This charges your iPhone, projects the time and will wake you up with your favorite tunes in the morning.
Projection Alarm Clock with iPhone Dock on Amazon
Lucky you, there is a really cool alarm clock to find on Amazon!
Emerson iC172 iPod Dock Alarm Clock Radio
The Emerson iC172 iPod Dock Alarm Clock Radio is the perfect projection alarm clock with iPhone dock. It says iPod dock, but when people ask can I use ipod dock to charge iPhone 4 the answer is yes! You can. So you can use this alarm clock for your iPhone as well.
No, it isn't a dock especially made for the iPhone, but as there is a AUX cable with it you can actually use it as a iPhone dock. You just put in your iPhone (so it will charge) and you put in the audio jack in your phone as well, this will result in the same effect!
Customers on Amazon are highly satisfied with this product, giving it 4 out of 5 stars. One of the most cool features of this system is the way of snoozing. Instead of having to push something you can easily snooze with just a wave of your hands in front of the sensor.
With the different alarms (weekend/workdays modes) you can set alarms for every day of the week. It has a dual alarm function as well, if you are sleeping with a partner. This means you don't have to set an alarm again when your spouse is getting out of bed, you just say goodbye and wait for the alarm to go off again.
When it comes to the audio of the alarm clock, as you don't buy a projection alarm clock with iPhone dock without using the sound function, this is pretty solid. Not the quality of high priced boxes of course, but you are also not paying the price of high quality audio boxes!
This would definitely make a great projection alarm clock with iPhone dock!
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