If we look at the questions we get these answers...
1. 52% of players are teenagers between 16 and 20.
2. 94% of players are male.
3. Slayer is the most popular choice of skill at 28% of players.
4. PvM is the activity of choice for 41% of players.
5. Acquiring items and gold is the strongest motivation of 43% of Old Schools players.
6. 60% of Old School players are there because of the old combat system.
7. Most requested future update is for new monsters to fight at 25%.
So theoretically we should make an update that appeals to teen males, which is combat heavy and involves new Slayer monsters with lots of gold and loot.
But is it as simple as that?
Haven't we had lots of updates that are combat heavy and featured killing bosses and monsters for loot? Things like Evolution of Combat and Dungeoneering spring to mind.
Aren't we at the point that most people are doing end game bosses?
Are we in some sort of feedback loop?
Let's look at the game developers of Jagex Ltd.
Let's look at the age and gender of the game developers.
That would be an interesting poll. I'm pretty sure it's male and in the 20s.
Do we have a chicken and egg thing going on? The game devs make content they enjoy and it's no surprise that players that like that content are similar to the game devs.
Are we at 94% males with 90% of them between 16 and 30 because the game devs are?
Let's take a moment to think now.
What is the largest segment of online social gamers?
Females in the 30-40 age group. They drive Bejewelled, Candy Crush Saga, Farmvilles and so on.
They could find a home in Runescape, if Runescape could broaden their horizon a little. I have reservations that Jagex could make this happen, but it's a possibility if Jagex can become less authoritarian.
Is new new?
What does new monster mean? A reskinned monster in a new lair with a few new tricks and with loot that makes old items obsolete, which means the players have to kill the new monster.
This isn't new.
This is old crap, any WoW player can tell you that Blizzard trick.
The questions with "new" in them might be a bit deceiving. The new monsters will be old by the time someone has killed them 1000 times. If it takes one minute a kill, the monster is old in a day.
Then the player wants a new monster, with new loot.
It's a loot loop.
Aye, supermarkets shut down the corner store in virtuality and reality.
I've had soooo many lovely hours in Edgeville Bank, flogging ppots and rings of life to people with skulls over their heads. The good, old days.
I'm exactly that same way. I liked doing skilling and watching a river of conversation flow by.
Or running a little business for a time, selling PvP gear back in world 18 Edgy days.
Player owned shops, I'd like that.
As a woman in precisely that age group, I tended to meet a lot of other women in that age group. There used to be a lot of us in Runescape, but the way it went didn't appeal. I know that we can only ever talk of broad generalisations in these polls, but I rarely found an adult woman who enjoyed SoF type gambling and fighting bosses. We tended towards the rest of the game.