Sunflower Throw Pillows: Easy Way to Brighten Any Room

by SusanM

These sunflower throw pillows will add brightness to any room.

Sunflowers are bursting with color and brightness. Their deep yellow and green coloring gives a happy mood and joyous feel. This means sunflower throw pillows give any room an instant feeling of brightness and happiness. They're also an earthy and simple flower that gives a sense of comfort and homeliness.

Sunflower throw pillows work well in rooms with natural colors or wood features. They're also easy to add to rooms with green, blue, black, white or yellow color schemes. Some sunflower pillows may even work with different colors.

Being popular sunflower throw pillows also come in realistic photographic as well as artistic, abstract designs. So there's something for every decorating taste. This means if you want to give a room an instant treatment for color and mood you should be able to find something you like.

Realistic Sunflower Throw Pillows

These sunflower pillows are all created with high quality photos. This gives that realistic look to the throw pillow design. Although you can also get designs in this type of sunflower pillow that almost look abstract. 

This sunflower throw pillow features sunflowers against a blue Summer sky. So it gives a strong feeling of warmth and relaxation to a room. The realistic photo used encourages that sense of relaxation because you can just about see the sunflowers swaying in the gentle summer wind. 

This means this specific sunflower design pillow is good for rooms where you want a feeling of comfort and relaxation rather than brightness and color. This might be a bedroom. It might also be an area or room around the house that you use to wind down in. These spaces might be overwhelmed by the brighter sunflower designs which could work against creating a feeling of relaxation.

This throw pillow would look lovely in a room that had a natural color scheme. The darker colors of this sunflower and background are highlighted in this throw pillow. This means it would easily blend in with a darker brown couch or a room with natural dark wood. 

This pillow with it's darker colors would also work very well in a room where you want a comfortable but semi-formal feel. The brightness and simpleness of the sunflower petals against the darkness of its center and pillow background create a nice balancing effect. The result is a pillow that still has a formal feel but a friendly one.

Good for Formal Spaces

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This throw pillow has a similar feel to the previous design. 

The dark green of the sunflower peeking out and its darker background give a formal feel to this throw pillow. The brightness of the yellow sunflower petals give that sense of comfort and friendliness. So another well balanced design. 

The close up photography used to create this pillow also gives it an almost abstract design. So it's a nice choice if you want something more modern looking than the usual sunflower designs.


This is another sunflower throw pillow that has a modern, almost abstract look to it. This pillow is also one of the brightest sunflower pillows available. This is because it's entirely yellow. But because it's created from a photo there's lots of shades and different yellow hues. This creates a interesting design that has a lot of depth, rather than a flat, single color look. 

This pillow is good for places that need an infusion of brightness and color. It's especially good for rooms that feel drab or low in energy. This pillow (or a few of them) will quickly add a sense of Summer warmth and happiness to the area.

Adding Some Summer Warmth

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Now these are sun hat flowers not sunflowers but the look is very similar. So when I saw this throw pillow I thought I would include it. Why? Because it's likeness to a sunflower throw pillow gives another good option for decorating.

These smaller flowers also allow more to fit into the pillow design to create a lovely, bright look without losing any detail in the photo. A loss of detail can sometimes happen with sunflower pillows showing lots of sunflowers. This is because of the size of sunflowers. So this sun hat throw pillow creates a nice effect that avoids this problem. 

This sun hat throw pillow will work anywhere a sunflower throw pillow would.

Abstract Design Sunflower Throw Pillows

This is a nice and bright artistic sunflower design. It has a sense of lightness that the photographic design pillows don't have.

The artwork used for this pillow captures the shape, color and mood of a field of sunflowers. It also has a unique creative flair.

This makes this pillow a good choice for smaller rooms where you think a sunflower pillow created from a photo might overwhelm the space with too much color. 

This is also a good choice if you're wanting something art rather than photo based. Or if you want something that has a modern edge to it.

Artistic Field of Sunflowers

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Here's another totally yellow sunflower throw pillow option.

This one has a very modern feel to it. The sunflowers are all created in shades of yellow. Each one overlapping the other to create a modern field of sunflowers. So it's a good choice if you don't want to go for a classic look throw pillow or a photographic design. 

The use of the single color also makes this throw pillow interesting yet simple. So it's good for a small space where you still want a big burst of color. 

This pillow is also a good modern option that's slightly abstract but shows whole flowers. So it's different to the other fully yellow pillow I've feature - the Sunflower Close Up Throw Pillow.  

Modern Sunflower Field Look

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Updated: 10/07/2012, SusanM
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