The Best Performing Most Reliable Disposable Razor

by katiem2

Have you noticed the price of disposable razors creeping higher and higher? Learn the best most reliable longest lasting disposal razor to buy.

Razors cost so much especially given we buy them on a regular basis. You'd think the makers of razors would cut us a break but they do not, in fact continue raising the cost of disposable razors. - Learn how a disposable razor is not disposable after all, use one for months even years perfectly. This is one great way to cut your budget and maintain a good appearance.

The idea of this made me flinch and yet considering my carbon foot print I had my ah ha moment. I was watching one of those doctors shows or the like, doing my product research, when I heard the most absurd thing. This was a piece on tips for saving money. A man had a disposable razor, a rather cheap one at that, and claimed he's been using the exact same razor for over two years. How did he do it you ask?


How One Razor Can Last One Year

The claim was this; if you keep a razor clean and dry between uses it will last indefinitely. The claim went on to explain its the constant exposure to water that ruins the razor in the first place. I thought about this and yes indeed most all of us leave them in the shower or near the tub often setting in a damp area.


The water causes the metal to break down and rust. This is also a health hazard as mold and such begins to grow on the constantly damp surface of the razor. The solution he offered is one I've put to the test. I've selected both cheap razors and expensive razors.

To date I have not purchased any more razors and this was back oh about six months ago. I've been alternating from the cheap razor to the expensive razor and while following the guidelines, I too am experiencing the original quality and performance of the razor as on the day I first bought it.

Extend the use of any disposable razor for as long as you like by following these simple steps. First off disposable razors are all far better than we think. The manufacturers continue improving on a product that needs no improvement.  We, the consumer, only need to use and care for them differently.  I feel good about the amount of plastic I'm no longer contributing to our land fills. 

Caring for Disposable Razors

  1. One, each time you use the razor be sure to gently tap the razor on a flat surface to dislodge any hair from the blades. Continue doing this as you use it so's not to clog the blade.
  2. Second, Remove the razor from the shower or tub when you get out, placing it on a dry neatly folded wash cloth. I set it just outside my shower beside the counter.
  3. Third, once a week clean the dry razor with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol, gently wiping the blades side to side, never up and down. Return the razor to its dry resting place and repeat each time you use it.
Now imagine the money you will save and all the while doing your part for the planet. 



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Updated: 08/21/2012, katiem2
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Chris on 03/11/2012

Who knew, I spend a ton of money on razors.

katiem2 on 02/17/2012

SharynsSlant, Oh my so glad you added this story. I was delighted to learn of your experience as it is more research and your findings also support this theory. Imagine the money we could save.

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