Top 5 Things You Need to Know How to Do Before You Become a Parent

by mysteeqz5

Are you thinking of having children or do you have a baby on the way? Make sure you read this first.

There are just some things they don't tell you in books. You can read every book there is on babies, but there are just some things you don't get a clear idea until you are a parent. I wish someone would have warned me first. You mainly worry about the baby basics, ensuring that the baby is sleeping and eating well. They don't really dwell on all the little adventures your child will send you on. You learn so much about you and your child on the parenting journey, I have no regrets.

1. How to Operate Without Sleep

From the moment your baby enters the world, those nights where you get 8 straight hours of sleep will be gone. It may be several years before they come back. Unless, you decide to have another baby, the cycle starts again. When they say, sleep when the baby sleep, you better make sure that you are listening to that advice. Because you just never know how long your baby will be up. Not only will they be up but they will want to be carried or rocked and played with. They probably won't let you sit down either. Mine loved to be carried while I was walking around the house with them. Once I sat down, then the tears came. The baby sling was a lifesaver.

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Top 5 Things You Need to Know Before You Become a Parent
Top 5 Things You Need to Know Before ...

2. How to Fix Everything and Anything

When those big sad eyes look up at you and ask you to fix their car or teddy, you better know how to fix it. Children think you can do anything. There have been plenty of times I've had to mend up a favorite stuff animal, put a wheel back on their favorite car, or super glue some impossibly small lego figure hand back into place. When all else fails? Bring out the duct tape, our solution to everything, this is a staple I always have in our home. You never know what you will need it for.

3. Get Creative in the Kitchen

If you have picky eaters, you will know what I mean. You need to get those creative cooking juices flowing because when your child won't eat any vegetables, you need to find a way to get them to eat it. The best thing I've found is to make soups or pastas. You can add beet juice to pancakes or make veggie burgers, something I never thought I would ever eat. You never know what they will eat or won't until you try it. I made these deliciously healthy chicken fingers that they wouldn't touch because it wasn't like the frozen ones they had before, however, they love cream of broccoli soup.

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4. Have Healing Abilities

There will no doubts be lots of bumps and scrapes during the life of your child. You'll be expected to heal all of them. What's great is that up until they are a toddler, usually a kiss will do to make your child feel better. After that, not so much. Put a fun band-aid on any part of their body and you'll be guaranteed to cure their pain.

5. Put Love Before Anything Else

When there is a large spill on your brand new carpet, permanent marker on your walls, make up smeared all over your bed, you need to forgive and put your love for your child above all the mess. If you are able to ignore your first impulse to yell or get angry, you'll remember that your child probably had a very good reason for doing it. My son wanted to draw a picture for me but couldn't find any paper so he decided to use the wall, yes with permanent marker. My son also wanted everyone to know that I had a new bag, so he wrote in pen on my white bag, mommy. He was just learning to write so I was happy he spelled it right, if only it had not been on my bag. Enjoy those precious years with your children because they will pass by so quickly, and they'll also make wonderful stories.

More to read...

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Updated: 08/26/2012, mysteeqz5
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mysteeqz5 on 08/17/2012

Mira: Thank you

Mira on 08/09/2012

Loved your article: so sweet, so full of love :-)

mysteeqz5 on 07/10/2012

That's why they make babies so darn cute.

Tolovaj on 07/08/2012

Sleeping is in my opinion biggest problem of all, I have seen it at so many fresh parents, it can't be a coincidence. We can do just about everything, but with months after months of sleepless nights it has to show somewhere: health, concentration, life attitude...
Being a parent is a tough job, but somebody has to do it:)

mysteeqz5 on 06/25/2012

We learn a lot about babies and ourselves as parents.

katiem2 on 06/24/2012

I have two friends who are currently pregnant, perfect timing! Thanks for the helpful tips about babies. There is so much to know and most of it a lot of us learn as we go.
As for the band aids, my youngest loves them.. she needs a band aid for every thing :) K

mysteeqz5 on 06/23/2012

Yes, definitely true. I need to find a place to purchase bandaids in bulk, since I use them so much.

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