Unemployed in Australia qualify for the dole after 6 weeks of unemployment. Currently, depending on circumstances it is about $200 per week. With an allowance for rent which can be up to $50 per week extra.
Average Australian rents for a cheap 1 bedroom apartment are about $200 a week. With utilities adding another $50 per week to the bill.
Food, clothing and travel expense on top of that means that the dole doesn't pay. Unless you are a nudist who walks everywhere and doesn't eat.
What this means is that unemployed have to form communities, usually the core of that is shared housing. Sharing a three bedroom house for example.
Outside this community there is a group of people who can be stirred to outrage over unemployed people living lives of luxury. Usually stereotyped as a surfing drug culture, idling their lives away while the honest battler pays for them.
It's an Us vs. Them tactic. Politicians know that by finding a common enemy people bind together more tightly.
It's this narrow and selfish thinking that causes projects like Work for the Dole to spring up.
Get those lazy dole bludgers working!
But life is never that simple.
It's partly self defeating. In theory Work for the Dole is in place to give people pride from working and the unemployed get given shitty low status jobs, irregardless of qualifications.
Which reinforces to unemployed people that they are scum.
Which I think is the unspoken assumption behind Work For the Dole schemes.
We hear the same in the UK, that dole is too much and a lifestyle choice when added to accelerated social housing for single mums and so on. If you know how to play the system, there is seemingly little to stop you from playing it. Otherwise, I can tell you £300 a month does not pay the bills on a house that is mortgaged, even with the addition of some freelance pennies and contributions from others in the house. If the local authorities cannot recruit someone to a basic role (trash clearance, street cleaning) they should be able to require someone long-term unemployed to undertake the role, as is suggested for those of us with qualifications and previous experience. Our local trash collection team is a mix of long term unemployed getting free fitness workout for the job, and incoming migrants developing their language skills. We joke we have a good team (who collect the rubbish) and a bad team (who throw it all over the street) depending on who works which week.
Sounds good. Dancing? Couldn't there be work for the dole that pays already existing businesses to take on people. May be $1 for $1 Apprenticeships work like this. No? Jo