You've heard the claims....
Conservatives are against education. They're ill informed, unenlightened and border on being illiterate.
The implication of course being that smart people tend to vote for democrats. The pitch being made is that if you're smart, you'll vote like the other smart folks.
But is that true? Are conservatives actually simpletons that refuse to vote in their own best interest?
Probably not. In fact, the argument that conservatives are stupid says more about the folks forwarding the argument than those targeted by the insult.
In fact, data supplied by that bastion of conservatism known as the New York Times says otherwise.
Dustytoes.. You're right. That said, I think the majority of those voting in any demographic tend to vote for what they believe is in their own particular best interest.
Since colleges are populated mostly by radical and or democrat leaning professors it is no wonder that so called "educated people" aka college graduates, vote for a Democrat.
Likewise for the "uneducated" who most likely have trouble finding good jobs without a high school diploma and may have to depend on government handouts to live. They would obviously vote for a democrat, especially like the one in office now who wants to hand them everything - forever.
The thing that is ruining this still wonderful country is the ill-informed, uninformed, and close-minded people who do not discover facts for themselves and who listen to the biased media outlets who refuse to be fair in reporting actual news that will affect us all for years to come.