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How to Create Beautiful Yards and Landscapes on a Budget - The Images of Spring
Susan, Thank you great to have you follow along as well. You're so right hens and chicks do multiply like wild fire. They are another plant I readily share. It seems the more I give away the more they multiply :)
katiem2, on 05/18/2012
Moose Hat Or Moose Slippers - Which Is Manlier?
Thrilled to learn more about your sense of humor. You're funny and can cook the total package, you go chef. I choose the slippers they would accent your dance moves fabulously.
katiem2, on 05/18/2012
Funny Idioms And Hilarious Sayings - All New
Oh my I'm rolling, love the video, has Elaine B. been your dance instructor by chance??? I love the featured image, nice picture. I too have the very same issue with those dag nabit dishes. In fact my kids are going to hear me sing that very ...
katiem2, on 05/18/2012
How to Create Beautiful Yards and Landscapes on a Budget - The Images of Spring
I really enjoyed walking along with you and seeing all the beauty that surrounds you. Your Japanese trees are lovely. I too have hens and chickens as borders. It amazes me how fast they spread out.
SusanZutautas, on 05/18/2012
Bigfoot Sightings - Do You Believe in Bigfoot?
Woman claims to feed Bigfoot blueberry bagels (enjoy the read!)
kajohu, on 05/18/2012
5 Books That Every Teenage Girl Should Read
Hello, Kelley. Glad you like the choices, thanks very much for stopping by and taking the time to comment. Katie, so nice to hear that your girls like to read. So many young people, as Jean points out, avoid books like the plague. I know guys ...
WiseFool, on 05/18/2012
Shakespeare by Any Other Name | Movie Adaptations of Romeo and Juliet
Your girls haven't seen West Side Story?! Oh, Katie, that needs to be rectified ASAP : )
WiseFool, on 05/18/2012
How to Potty Train Your Cat on the Toilet - Cat Toilet Training Tutorial
Hahaha.. great Tutorial! :-)) That`s a good idea! The next tutorials, i would like to read: "Cats washing the dishes" and "How to teach a cat to clean the floor". ;-)) (Grace from Germany, ...
Sonja (Grace), on 05/18/2012
What should we know about nofollow links?
Great article and introduction into this important subject, but one remark, the example you give will not work for several reasons: The nofollow tag needs to come after the link, as it is a link attribute and if you want to make a ...
Sam, on 05/18/2012
What should we know about nofollow links?
Excellent article. I totally agree that nofollow links are still important. Better any link than no link, of course. This link can bring you buyers, even if it is not adding credibility to your article in the eyes of Google. No LIKE for the page ...
Mladen, on 05/18/2012
Colombian Devil's Breath | New Age Deadly Drugs: Scopolamine
@Mladen: Thanks for the offer, it happens I had a chance to work for some time in pharmacy too (and I am BS in Chemistry by education), so I know some stuff but I am trying to concentrate on other areas at the moment. Maybe we can join forces at ...
Tolovaj, on 05/18/2012
Google PageRank: what do you need to know about it
Well, increasing PR can actually be fun and educative journey... Enjoy it, Marko:)
Tolovaj, on 05/18/2012
Bigfoot Sightings - Do You Believe in Bigfoot?
I promise I will, kajohu! I'll keep my camera on me at all times. Blueberry bagels, huh?
sheilamarie, on 05/17/2012
Avoid Co-Dependency The War on Addiction
Miaden, I too have an intense intellectual curiosity leading me to write and write some more... Thanks for your contribution to my thoughts on addiction.
katiem2, on 05/17/2012
Avoid Co-Dependency The War on Addiction
Well, Katie, as always you surprise us by the ablity to write about these hot topics in our society. It is really easy to become addicted to something today. I couldn't explain why is it. Todays market searches for ways to make something more ...
Mladen, on 05/17/2012

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