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Will Capitalist Horing Be Jagex's Downfall?
I really think that IVP will be making no concious effort to save RS. It's a shame but as you've quite rightly said, this is the real world.
Paul, on 04/12/2012
Time Line - Facebook love it or loath it
Rule of thumb: go with the flow but some times I just don't want to :)
terrilorah, on 04/12/2012
How to Get More Likers on Your Facebook Fan Page
Thanks, I have a fan page and will implement some ideas for my Made in USA page.
terrilorah, on 04/12/2012
Why I Loathe ‘LOL’
OMG this had me ROTFL - lol
ThePartyAnimal, on 04/12/2012
Joys of Keyword Research - The Funnies ;-)
You are welcome Whitemoss, glad you enjoyed it!
Sam, on 04/12/2012
Should You Hire a Virtual Personal Assistant?
Sheri, I'm not sure on that. I never asked interview questions on oDesk, I simply judged by the applications sent in on how serious they were - plus many of them had feedback and previous work samples to look at. I hired a couple of more ...
wrylilt, on 04/12/2012
How to Spend Money Wisely and Enjoy Life
It's something I've definitely improved on as I've got older! We economise on certain things like staple foods (tinned and dry foods which store for ages) but are happy to pay more for nice, fresh fruit. We tend to buy cheapish t-shirts because ...
Marie, on 04/12/2012
How to kill a crab humanely
Great question Sam! Many crabs actually die in the freezer - but not all and as far as I know there is no way to tell whether they are dead or just comatosed so you always need to follow through with the next step. Presumably they would die ...
Meagan, on 04/12/2012
Joys of Keyword Research - The Funnies ;-)
Thanks for the laughs. A good read!
whitemoss, on 04/12/2012
Buckets and shovels- simple fun for kids
Thanks . You're right, watering the garden is great fun!
whitemoss, on 04/12/2012
Should You Hire a Virtual Personal Assistant?
How did you know exactly what I was asking myself? Now, if you could add another module or two about interview questions to ask the candidate, qualifications to look for and how to determine how much to pay - that would be perfect!
Sheri_Oz, on 04/12/2012
Taking a Career Break
Thanks whitemoss and katie. Yes, it's definitely easy to just keep going on the same path. I could so easily have done that. I'm so glad a stopped and thought and made conscious decisions about what I want from life.
TerriRexson, on 04/12/2012
Turning 50
Happy belated birthday! Keep living with joy in your heart and passion in your soul and you'll never feel old.
WiseFool, on 04/12/2012
How to Make Pasta from Scratch
Lol, Samsara! Yes, if you have already a pasta maker you should use it!
Sam, on 04/12/2012
Getting Your Baby to Sleep - What Worked for Us
Thanks for the thoughtful comment 2uesday. Oh yes, I remember my Nan phoning me up and saying "you're not cuddling that baby too much are you?" Well-meaning, but I'll never regret time spent cuddling my babies. And yes, good point about relaxing ...
TerriRexson, on 04/12/2012

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