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Best Laptops Under $500
We all have our budgets to consider, and how much you pay for a laptop requires some serious thinking on just what you will be using it for. Most people don't really need to get the high end systems. I once had an Asus and loved it.
sheilamarie, on 03/23/2012
Juba, South Sudan, for the Intrepid Traveller
Interesting place to visit!
sheilamarie, on 03/23/2012
How to Deal With Sibling Rivalry
Good points, Angel. Sibling rivalry, when worked through in a positive way, can give you some strategies and coping skills that last for a lifetime. And as much as they may fight now, siblings often have a bond that lasts through life, too.
sheilamarie, on 03/23/2012
Parenting without Hugs
You're right, Muminbusiness, touch is one of our basic human needs. You cannot spoil a child during the first year, and certainly hugging is not how we spoil them as they grow anyway. I think that because of all the abuse cases in the news, ...
sheilamarie, on 03/23/2012
Does Anyone Spring Clean Anymore?
I open windows regularly - daily in our bedroom unless the weather is atrocious - but spring cleaning hmmm - not so much!
Lissie, on 03/22/2012
Men Who Love Womens Shoes
LOL well I probably wear more men's shoes than womens so why not? Personally its beyond me why anyone male or female would wear heals unless they were dancing (you need a heel to do ballroom particularly and latin is easier too in heels - even ...
Lissie, on 03/22/2012
The Importance of having a Book Review Policy
Must admit I have a book review site that I've done little with because I found it tough to search traffic too - and I don't have the patience for social. Very nice hub though
Lissie, on 03/22/2012
The Importance of having a Book Review Policy
Sheilamarie, it's not necessarily all that easy to get recognized if you're a blogger. Search Engine Optimization has never worked for me on my book blog. I don't get search engine traffic there at all. The key is constant promotion. Join Book ...
EverydayMiracles, on 03/22/2012
Thanks, Lou and Kajohu! The magic lives on.
sheilamarie, on 03/22/2012
Finger Puppets
I'm with you, Jimmie! The Cat in the Hat is so much more fun when you have the finger puppets to go with it! Educationinfo4U, I'm glad your niece is enjoying her finger puppets. Great idea for a present!
sheilamarie, on 03/22/2012
How to Make Puppets
Darcie and Nick, thanks for your comments. There are so many types of puppets to make!
sheilamarie, on 03/22/2012
Runescape News: Pedophiles on the Prowl?
>.> There will be by the time I've finished. :D
JoHarrington, on 03/22/2012
Runescape News: Pedophiles on the Prowl?
lilshu, on 03/22/2012
The Importance of having a Book Review Policy
Great advice for book reviewers. In general, how does the reading public find you and your blog? Do they just google the book title? What about people wanting to discover new books who do not already know you as a reviewer? I was just wondering ...
sheilamarie, on 03/22/2012
Men Who Love Womens Shoes
Hi Katie, My Chiropractor begs women to stop wearing high heels, but all in vain. My husband & I always loved Halloween parties and dressing up. Usually I find that most women wear a costume that's sexier than they would dress. But my husband ...
JeanBakula, on 03/22/2012

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