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Runescape News: Pedophiles on the Prowl?
I'll let you off then. :p I do not jest. I'm looking for the red and white of your banner as I speak. *cranes neck to see over the clan crowds*
JoHarrington, on 03/22/2012
Men Who Love Womens Shoes
Great page Katie. Too funny.. I have an article similar that I was going to publish soon on the same subject. I will link them together if ok with you? Shoes are meant to be adored by everyone. I confess I am a serious shoe addict!
Angel, on 03/22/2012
Does Anyone Spring Clean Anymore?
Thanks Angel, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who spring cleans. You have given me faith that it isn't a lost art. Thanks for your comment.
terrilorah, on 03/22/2012
The Importance of having a Book Review Policy
Welcome to Wizzley! Great article and very informative.
Angel, on 03/22/2012
5 Easy Ladybug Cupcake Ideas
Great ladybug cupcakes! They are all so cute. I am not real good with the cake and cup cake decorating.. I am not sure I can pull them off. I will have to try sometime.
Angel, on 03/22/2012
Runescape News: Pedophiles on the Prowl?
I'm laughing at the article, not pedophilia. And surely you jest
lilshu, on 03/22/2012
How To Zumba
What's best is if you can find a zumba partner! My sister-in-law and I get together once a week to do it.
sciencestudent, on 03/22/2012
Filing a DMCA Take Down Notice
Great wizz. I will bookmark this and keep it in case I need it. I have heard of people needing to do this but thankfully have never needed it. No one wants to copy my stuff! LOL..
Angel, on 03/22/2012
Who is Katie McMurray - Wizzography
Hey Katie, I love how you have lines separating your blocks, how did you get them, is it an image (I thought there'd be a module but don't see it) please advise wise one :) (P.S. I revised my bless you/sneeze module) Jerrico
Jerrico_Usher, on 03/22/2012
Does Anyone Spring Clean Anymore?
Oh how I love to open the windows at the first hint of Spring and get out the cleaning stuff. I have been doing that all week. Makes me feel so much better about my home. My grandmother taught me to spring clean...LOL.. there are so many ...
Angel, on 03/22/2012
What are Beneficial Insects and Why are they a Gardeners Best Friend
I love gardening. It reminds me of my grandmother. She would take me out in the yard late every evening and work in the flowers. She would show me the good bugs and the bad bugs too. Just like you have done. Your knowledge really shows ...
Angel, on 03/22/2012
Toddler Recipes
Mujjen, I agree with you that a messy kitchen is worth the benefit for the whole family when kids get involved with preparing food. My kids used to often make "concoctions" in the kitchen even as they got older. All three of them ate well and ...
sheilamarie, on 03/22/2012
Runescape News: Pedophiles on the Prowl?
Lil, y u nub? >:( You're laughing on an article about paedophilia... Now go and get your clan, then get into this awareness campaign. I'll be looking for your colours in there.
JoHarrington, on 03/22/2012
Men Who Love Womens Shoes
I hope I didn't offend anyone. I just haven't heard of this before. It's very interesting. I personally believe people should be able to do what they want to do as long as they aren't breaking the law or hurting someone else.
BrendaReeves, on 03/22/2012
Vintage Celtic Jewelry: Pin, Brooch, Earrings, Pendant, Necklace
I love celtic jewelry and enjoyed learning about the symbolic meanings. Thanks
Shaz, on 03/22/2012

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