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Visit Iceland
I was lucky to visit Iceland several years ago, but my trip was way too short. We only stayed one weekend, but at least I was able to check one item off my bucket list: Go on a trail ride in Iceland. Unfortunately, towards the end of the ride my ...
nightowl, on 02/27/2012
What Is The Best Time To Publish Online?
Thanks Katie, I like to try and anthropomorphize concepts, thought processes and action, makes for a happy writing experience. Glad it made a happy reading experience for you.
humagaia, on 02/27/2012
Can You Make Money with Chitika on Wizzley?
It's just good to know there are other options out there. Things can change in an instant.
NaturalRemedies, on 02/27/2012
Story Cubes
I like your ideas. I too am trying to foster imagination but can catch myself being too prescriptive at times and not leaving them room to think for themselves. Working on that! :-) Thanks for your input!
MuminBusiness, on 02/26/2012
Cinnamon for skin care
Hello Katiem2. Cinnamon is an amazing spice which we also use in our cooking here in Sri Lanka. Pleased to know you found the information useful. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. Wish you a great week.
suranee69, on 02/26/2012
Visit Iceland
Lissie - It would absolutely incredible for a geologist! But yes, a bit far from your home :) Nelle - We do like adventure! There are some really incredible bus tours there.
Abby_Jensen, on 02/26/2012
Father's Day - Acrostic Poems
Very Nice, We should always honor our parents. I lost my father when I was far to young. Great tribute to fathers and a fun way to do so.
katiem2, on 02/26/2012
Story Cubes
What a really cool concept and yes imagination is a really important quality. I inspire my children's imagination by encouraging art, theater, writing and asking them what they think a lot. I will ask them what they want to have for dinner, ...
katiem2, on 02/26/2012
Jobs For You: Becoming a Market Research Interviewer
I've been interested in marketing for a long long time, I enjoy marketing. This is one of the reasons I was attracted to your article. Very helpful information. Thanks
katiem2, on 02/26/2012
Cinnamon for skin care
Very interesting, I had no idea. I had recently learned how amazing cinnamon is for the body when eaten but now understand how it is good for the skin. I will benefit from this knowledge. Thanks
katiem2, on 02/26/2012
What are the meanings of the colors?
I often find myself wondering the meaning of colors, I learned about this long ago and as the years passed I forgot a few. Now I know for certain again. Thanks for the guide to colors.
katiem2, on 02/26/2012
Bring your Indoor Cat Outdoors Safely
Great article, we take one of our cats outside for a walk on her leash. the other cats are happy to stay in the house. We do take precautions regarding her out of doors walks. This is a smart and helpful guide for our cats health and well ...
katiem2, on 02/26/2012
What Is The Best Time To Publish Online?
I enjoyed reading this, liked your angle on nuturing and caring for our newborn article. I feel your on to something, after all look at your stats, your obviously doing everything right. Thanks for another careful and helpful article.
katiem2, on 02/26/2012
Is Sun Exposure and Tanning Really Healthy?
SeanMac, So glad you made it here to learn the healthy way to manage your Vitamin D levels.
katiem2, on 02/26/2012
Can I File a Class Action Law Suit
Brenda, Good to know you now understand how to file a class action law suit, it does seem as though there are many instances where this public protection of human rights would come into play indeed. Thanks for commenting.
katiem2, on 02/26/2012

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