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Eight Common Winter Backyard Birds
Honestly I really don't like birds as I am annoyed when it chirps...But looking on these lovely birds, I might disregard the noise it makes.
Lindsey, on 01/11/2012

Jaguars The Big Cats Of The Americas
Interesting! I'm always fascinated by these wild animals and eager to learn about them.
Lauren, on 01/11/2012

Best Giraffe Gifts
Excellent, this is perfect for kids. I am actually looking for presents that are both for boys and girls.
Lindsey, on 01/10/2012

Passive Income Business Ideas
Your content is so straight forward and simple! Thanks for telling me about Wizzley. By by ...b Pages!
My wife home schools our two boys. Not sure if she ready to make an ebook or send the kids to a boarding school! She is traveling ...
retreadfitness, on 01/10/2012

Wizzley vs Hubpages vs Squidoo: Which is more User (& Bank) Friendly
Well explained. Have been using squidoo for quite sometime and learned a lot. I will try Wizzley now.
Sara, on 01/10/2012

In A World Without Light
LOL Thanks, Betty! Glad you enjoyed!
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 01/10/2012

In A World Without Light
You are awesome, as always! :)
Betty Jean Aldrich, on 01/10/2012

Growing Up In a Different Age
I definitely miss those SAFER, carefree days! Back in those days,kids roamed their street safely playing with the other kids in the neighborhood. I remember many summer nights of catching fireflies,racing down the street,and riding bikes until ...
bayouladyJDKimball, on 01/10/2012

Sailors' Valentines Shell Art
@whitemoss - Awesome! You have been to the original site of the Valentines! Thank you for reading and leaving the message. I'll bet that was cool..!
dustytoes, on 01/10/2012

Retro, Vintage, or Kitsch?
Yep, you got it. :) It is all relative though. What we consider from our pasts, our kids will see as vintage. :(
lakeerieartists, on 01/10/2012

Eight Common Winter Backyard Birds
Thanks kinworm. I'd love to be able to fold an origami cardinal!
kajohu, on 01/10/2012

Artist Mannequin for Children Who Want to Learn to Draw
We have one of these somewhere. My son loves to draw, I'll definitely get it out for him soon.
TerriRexson, on 01/10/2012

Eight Common Winter Backyard Birds
I am a cardinal fan also, I managed to fold an origami one from paper yesterday which I was delighted with. The male cardinal is so very striking. What a wonderful page.
Marie, on 01/10/2012

Quinoa Black Bean Salad
I love salads but have never tried Quinoa - maybe I really should. I love the fact that this can be made the day before as well, especially if I am cooking for lots of people.
Marie, on 01/10/2012

Tiffany Inspired Jewelry
I wouldn't say no!
Marie, on 01/10/2012