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Folded Flower Card with Free Template
I think that these are lovely and very romantic. I can paint and I can write, but I'm all thumbs when it comes to paper folding. You are truly a paper folding artist!
Digby_Adams, on 01/11/2012
Earning Money Online - How's it going?
So far I've just been earning on Squidoo, but that's because I have only written one page here on Wizzley. I'm looking to diversify my online income, so I better get started over here! Thanks for sharing your Wizzley earnings!
klaird, on 01/11/2012
How To Start An Online Business - An Uncommon Approach
There's no substitute for hard work. A bit of bloody mindedness helps as well.
Thamisgith, on 01/11/2012
Make Money With Wizzley - Progress Of A Not So Newbie
@optimist I do hang around online forums to talk shop - but also getting out and working in public works for some people. Basically I'd had years without a social workplace, so this is not a huge change! @wrylilt - the critical thing is "part ...
Lissie, on 01/11/2012
Make Money With Wizzley - Progress Of A Not So Newbie
Nice to know that an passive income "oldie" also thinks that it's good to use revenue sharing sites as part of their bigger plan - I've noticed that since the crash of Hubpages, there are two groups - those that think we need to stick with ...
wrylilt, on 01/11/2012
How to Take Notes in the Shower
I had no idea they actually made a waterproof notebook just for this purpose! How funny. But I can see how it would be useful. I also tend to think of things right before I go to sleep, so ...
klaird, on 01/11/2012
Using a Tablet or iPad in the Kitchen
Great solutions to using a tablet in the kitchen. I've used my Kindle in the kitchen. I used a low-tech plate stand and put the Kindle inside a ziploc bag. It worked! I'm a terribly messy cook, and I want my electronics protected in the kitchen.
Jimmie, on 01/11/2012
Folded Flower Card with Free Template
I'd love to know what you think of these paper rosettes and if you think you'll have a go at making them up. Do you like paper folding? Have I inspired you to try or do I still need to work harder at tempting you?
Marie, on 01/11/2012
Hello Kitty Electronics
I bet my daughter would like the Hello Kitty message board :)
Marie, on 01/11/2012
Hemp Bracelets
The butterfly bracelet is very pretty indeed.
Marie, on 01/11/2012
Make A Hemp Bracelet or Necklace
I have tried this before and it's fun, especially when you add in beads. These bracelets and necklaces look good on guys too.
Marie, on 01/11/2012
Make a Toadstool or Mushroom Spool Pincushion
Thank you @bhthanks, that's very kind of you :) As long as some people like my tutorials then I'll carry on making them.
Marie, on 01/11/2012
Diamond Accents
Adamas is the Greek word for unconquerable, and that is the source of the word diamond. Thanks for your comment, kinworm!
bhthanks, on 01/11/2012
Make a Toadstool or Mushroom Spool Pincushion
The Mushroom Spool Pincushion is so cute and definitely useful for sewing pins. You have very original, beautiful and useful articles.
bhthanks, on 01/11/2012
Impossibru! A Marriage Proposal by Internet Meme
Awww! Though I'm glad I'm not the only sappy thing in bits after seeing that video. <3 It's possibly the most romantic thing I've ever seen. Thank you so much for the Editor's Choice award! Now I'm crying all over again. Happy tears! Thank ...
JoHarrington, on 01/11/2012

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