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Eight Common Winter Backyard Birds
Thanks for your comments, Lindsey, and Deepak!
kajohu, on 01/11/2012
Using a Tablet or iPad in the Kitchen
neat idea...
samsons1, on 01/11/2012
Impossibru! A Marriage Proposal by Internet Meme
Can't write...still crying...
chefkeem, on 01/11/2012
Earning Money Online - How's it going?
whitemoss, on 01/11/2012
Do You Live In A Dented Bucket?
LOL Mr. Kelley, You're hilarious!! Glad you enjoyed the article!
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 01/11/2012
5 Reasons To Keep On Writing
I love this advice. I've been getting so freaked out lately worrying about finding the right keywords that its taking the fun out of writing. I love to write. I'd love to make money at it but ...
MMcGrath, on 01/11/2012
Do You Live In A Dented Bucket?
You have done it again. Now I will need to look at my own bucket. Maybe it needs a thermostat?
William T. Kelley, Jr., on 01/11/2012
The Truth About Barefoot Running Shoes
I like VIbram Five Fingers than any of barefoot running shoes in the market. In fact, I even customize it by adding some colors and designs just look somewhat personal or signature shoes.
James, on 01/11/2012
Growing Up In a Different Age
*thank you bhthanks for your fine observations. I like the 'old times' best... *and thank you JD for stopping by. Like I just said, I like the 'old times', when kids could just be kids and left to play on our own with each other. There is ...
samsons1, on 01/11/2012
The Truth About Barefoot Running Shoes
What a great review! I run off and on, and I don't use these "five finger" shoes because they're so expensive. But shoes are definitely an important part of running and I'm tempted to try a pair of these.
optimist, on 01/11/2012
Best Giraffe Gifts
Thank you @Lindsey. Giraffes are a wonderful choice for boys and girls and there are lots of jungle and safari themed toys which include them. I hope you find some lovely giraffe gifts.
Marie, on 01/11/2012
Make Money With Wizzley - Progress Of A Not So Newbie
ooo, also please post those tricks on staving off lonelines: for now I'm going to force myself to either "work" (?) from a cafe or meet up with friends at least once on a weekday... But it does get so lonely :(
optimist, on 01/11/2012
Make Money With Wizzley - Progress Of A Not So Newbie
Headed over here from your blog :) I think I'll do a wizzle documenting my work and earnings too ... might help with my motivation and self-discipline.
optimist, on 01/11/2012
Homemade Valentines Day Gifts for Him
Mmm, I think it's hard to go past home-made baking ;)
optimist, on 01/11/2012
Valentines Gifts for Geeks
OOO I have a husband who is a geek and I'm sure he would love both the "all your base is belong to me" mug and the lego bricks. Unfortunately this makes me a geek for understanding this stuff, and for feeling that those gifts would also be ...
optimist, on 01/11/2012

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