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Heart of The Ocean Necklace
With the 100th Anniversary coming up for the sinking of the Titanic, this was an inspired choice of page topic Paul. Anyone who wants to give themselves the best chance of earning on platforms like Squidoo and Wizzley would do well to check out ...
AJ, on 01/05/2012
How To Wrap Presents For Your Loved Ones
Very good ideas. I guess most think of the gift as opposed to the time taken to make the wrappings attractive and neat. I enjoyed reading this...
samsons1, on 01/05/2012
Mario Bros Birthday Cakes
cool cakes
pcdman, on 01/05/2012
George Stinney Jr: The Tragic Case of a Child Executed in the USA
Thank you for your views, Spirituality. When I was researching this story, I came across a comment which said that the lack of evidence was the reason the case would never be reopened. Basically there would be nothing for a modern judge to base ...
JoHarrington, on 01/05/2012
Don`t Stop Eating These
Anyone interested in eating right should read Good Calories Bad Calories. It really helped me understand why the American diet is so unhealthy. I agree with you on beef, eggs, and coffee. Natural and healthy!
Jimmie, on 01/05/2012
George Stinney Jr: The Tragic Case of a Child Executed in the USA
I think it's a disgrace that a 14 year old got the death penalty, especially given the lack of evidence - though it would have been a disgrace even if there had been plenty of evidence. I'm mixed on reopening the case, especially since the ...
spirituality, on 01/05/2012
Nail Biting - Causes and Prevention
Thank you bhthanks - I was sitting here one night trying to figure out what to write about and kept biting my nails. So I decided to write this article about it.. I have also heard of using the bitter nail polish for thumb sucking. I have ...
Angel, on 01/05/2012
Heart Party Supplies
Those heart pops make great party supplies.
Marie, on 01/05/2012
Homemade Valentines Day Gifts for Him
My husband likes me to bake a nice big cake.
Marie, on 01/05/2012
How to Take Notes in the Shower
I often take notes in the bath - I use a waterproof cover over my iphone. I'm in too much of a rush while having a shower but I bet many people would find this handy.
Marie, on 01/05/2012
Winter Riddles
The riddles were fun to do!
Marie, on 01/05/2012
How To Wrap Presents For Your Loved Ones
Angel, yes, beautifully wrapped presents certainly can create more feelings of joy. Thank you for your comment.
bhthanks, on 01/05/2012
Nail Biting - Causes and Prevention
These are wonderful tips for preventing and treating nail biting. Regarding the bitter nail polish that discourages nail biting, I think I have heard that the bitter nail polish also helps to discourage kids from sucking their thumbs.
bhthanks, on 01/05/2012
Love and Friendship Can Friends be Lovers
Beautiful article and so true...
DrDarko, on 01/05/2012
Best Stock Photography Affiliate Programs
I had no idea this was available as an income option. I am fairly new to all of this online income producing stuff. Very informative. Thanks.
Angel, on 01/05/2012

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