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Mathieu Gasquet's Pictures of Wales - The Landscape of Wales
Very nice photos like a visual zen garden
Jacko, on 01/05/2012
How to Take Notes in the Shower
Great idea. Thoughts do pop into my head during showers but I usually forget them before I get out.
emeraldmile, on 01/05/2012
Passive Income Business Ideas
This online earning thing is hard work and time consuming to be sure. And you are right on the "delayed gratification" thing. A person has to really enjoy the writing when getting paid can involve such a long wait.
sheilamarie, on 01/04/2012
Best Giraffe Gifts
Thanks for your visit to my giraffe page :)
Marie, on 01/04/2012
Best Cow Gifts
Thank you :) Cows are wonderful creatures - my grandad worked on a farm so I grew up with a lot of respect for farm animals in particular.
Marie, on 01/04/2012
Wizzley Banners
when clicking "recruit new authors", can you add an option that includes the html code to put in the link with the name of the page, including the affiliate id in the link? the same as what's currently there, but in an html format? thanks
bhthanks, on 01/04/2012
Disney Snowglobes and Water Globe Collectibles
Thank you. The Disney globes are magical aren't they.
Marie, on 01/04/2012
Valentine Day Barbie Doll Sweet Gift for 2018
Thanks Paul. Yes there is a Barbie to match every occasion!
Marie, on 01/04/2012
Whеrе Саn І Post Free Classifieds Fоr а Ноmе Based Business? - Top 5 Free Places tо Post Online Ads
Great to know where to post online ads.
bhthanks, on 01/04/2012
7 Deadly Sins Of TV Ads And How To Avoid Them As Online Marketer
Oh wow, these are great tips. I would like to come back to this for future reference on what to avoid.
bhthanks, on 01/04/2012
Focaccia Bread Recipe - The Real Thing!
This looks and sounds so delicious. I'm getting hungry reading this and seeing the pictures...
bhthanks, on 01/04/2012
Best Giraffe Gifts
Giraffes are magnificent and these gifts are adorable.
bhthanks, on 01/04/2012
Best Cow Gifts
So cute! Cows are a vital part of the world. The majority of people drink cow's milk, and that requires cows. The cow gifts are adorable.
bhthanks, on 01/04/2012
Disney Snowglobes and Water Globe Collectibles
The Disney Snow globes are all so pretty. They remind me of Disneyland and childhood.
bhthanks, on 01/04/2012
Lis | Lissie | Elisabeth : Internet Marketer, Author, Traveller
LOL Sheliamarie - yeah its always about traffic at the end of the day!
Lissie, on 01/04/2012

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