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Your choice of Browser matters
I'm still not sure what the differences are. When I worked on a PC, I always used Firefox, not because I saw much of a difference but because I was told it was better. Now I use a Mac and use Safari. I'm not sure why and I'm not sure whether I ...
sheilamarie, on 01/02/2012

Making a Living Online - My Journey
Thanks Forestbear.
Natasha, on 01/02/2012

Lis | Lissie | Elisabeth : Internet Marketer, Author, Traveller
thank you for the introduction and welcome to Wizzley! I used to read a lot of your hubs even before I started writing online (I'm fairly new to this game :-) and loved your articles. Great to see you here and wishing you all the best for the ...
ForestBear, on 01/02/2012

Making a Living Online - My Journey
wow, thank you so much for sharing your story, you are such an inspiration. All the best for the new year
ForestBear, on 01/02/2012

Piaget vs Vygotsky
I like your article. It takes me back.I'm trying to remember my student teaching block in 1991. I think it was Vygotsky that influenced me the most. My teaching is largely based on beliefs that learning is social, as it seems to me that when ...
bayouladyJDKimball, on 01/02/2012

Does Your Vine Bear Fruit?
Thank you, Jackie...I am so pleased that you enjoyed my article.
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 01/02/2012

Does Your Vine Bear Fruit?
This was a beauitiful read, and the pictures are lovely!
bayouladyJDKimball, on 01/02/2012

5 Reasons To Keep On Writing
Great perspective! You are so right that a small targeted audience can be far better than a large audience of folks who aren't really interested in what you have to say. I'm so happy to have the internet to give me an outlet for my what-I-want ...
tandemonimom, on 01/01/2012

Crossloop: A Lifesaver for Remotely Troubleshooting Granny's Computer
Very useful product for those who need a little help now and then. I love your article, Jo! Congrats on the award!
sheilamarie, on 01/01/2012

Tumble Tower | A Best Picture Book Review
This does sound like a good book, Carma. As you know, other than myself, there are no messy princesses in my house.
MugTreasuresByBrenda, on 01/01/2012

What NOT to write in your online profile
That's one helluva right-on comment, Jackie! Thanks. :)
chefkeem, on 01/01/2012

Homesteading and Homeschooling Go Together
Growing up in India, some of my best times were spent on our family farm looking after animals, helping pick fruits and getting involved in the selling of crops. I learned many lesson on industry, commerce and working with other people. What a ...
Bhavesh, on 01/01/2012

What Is Kindle?
I am inspired by your love story! You have convinced me to take a second look at Kindle. May be I will try Kindle Fire.
Bhavesh, on 01/01/2012

What NOT to write in your online profile
When I read a profile,I don't want to read chiefly about their education and various qualifications. I want to know who they are as a person, away from the keyboard. For example,I'd just as soon trust a mom of four's advice on keeping small ...
bayouladyJDKimball, on 01/01/2012

Your choice of Browser matters
I've always used Firefox as my default with Chrome as my back-up. But then my Firefox went bonkers so now I have to use Chrome as my default and IE (which I can't stand) as my back-up. Having the right browser really does make all the ...
Othercat, on 01/01/2012