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Pirates of the Caribbean 4 DVD boxed set
I love Pirates of the Caribbean, could watch all the movies over and over again. I really enjoyed the last release, it's just as good as the first pirates of the Caribbean movie. A great set of the collection and a great addition to any video ...
katiem2, on 01/01/2012

How to Know if You're Falling in Love
Ethel, so true falling in love can be such, heck no it is such an overwhelming process, knowledge is helpful and makes you feel a bit more sane. Thanks for stopping by to visit how to know if you're falling in love. Katie
katiem2, on 01/01/2012

Kids Cakes
Somehow, kinworm, I'm not surprised that you like the Hello Kitty kids cakes supplies. You have made some really nice Hello Kitty pages.
sheilamarie, on 01/01/2012

How to Know if You're Falling in Love
This takes me back many years lol. Infatuation of course can put a spanner in the love works
ethelsmith, on 01/01/2012

What will 2011 go down in history for?
Yes Katie it better be :)
ethelsmith, on 01/01/2012

What will 2011 go down in history for?
I entered into 2011 knowing it was going to be a great year, was I ever amazed at all the hardships and devastation suffered by so many in 2011. May 2012 be a much better year in all regards.
katiem2, on 01/01/2012

How to Be a Good Date
Thanks Ethel, How to be a good date is simple, it's when we complicate things it gets ugly... Thanks for stopping by. Katie
katiem2, on 01/01/2012

How to Be a Good Date
Interesting. I love your down to earth style with its humorous touches
ethelsmith, on 01/01/2012

Your choice of Browser matters
Thanks Katie. Internet life was so much simpler when there was little choice :)
ethelsmith, on 01/01/2012

5 Reasons To Keep On Writing
What is wanted seems to be forever changing. After 5 years and more I am still learning. I love to write though so on it goes. The money fluctuates but hey ho
ethelsmith, on 01/01/2012

Your choice of Browser matters
Is there ever some debate about the choice of browser one makes, I often wonder if I've chosen the best browser. Thanks for the helpful tips, very time saving and to the point. Much Appreciated. Katie
katiem2, on 01/01/2012

How to Say I Love You
That's a great point ethel, how to say I love you is perfect for Valentines Day!
katiem2, on 01/01/2012

Why a Blogger Should Write a Blog Series
Great post, Jimmie. I'm sharing it on my Facebook page Treasures By Brenda.
MugTreasuresByBrenda, on 01/01/2012

Do You have Pet Peeves?
thank you so much bayoulady and Happy New Year. I really enjoyed reading you comments and must say I agree whole heartedly. If people could just see themselves as others see them-- and the waitresses, that just happened to us at Fatz...
samsons1, on 01/01/2012

5 Reasons To Keep On Writing
Your writing is interesting and a joy to read. I'm not a big writer, but I like your way of thinking. Congrats on your success and the well-deserved Editor's Choice Award!
dustytoes, on 01/01/2012