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Black Tablecloth
These are great. You could also make a statement by adding one colour such as bright red or a monchrome effect with white
ethelsmith, on 01/01/2012
Buying Perennials: Mail Order Plants or Buy Local?
A much needed glimpse into Spring thanks. We do propagate some but buy from many sources too
ethelsmith, on 01/01/2012
Your choice of Browser matters
Right now on my main PC chrome seems to be the best. Yet with the same OS on my netbook it is firefox. It is odd
ethelsmith, on 01/01/2012
Your choice of Browser matters
I found that FireFox works best for my Zazzle work, but I have only tried that one and IE.
dustytoes, on 01/01/2012
Disney Snowglobes and Water Globe Collectibles
Beautiful. I have loved such snow globes since being a child. They fascinate
ethelsmith, on 01/01/2012
Your choice of Browser matters
Yes me too and I do use Explorer occasionally. Of course there are so many more available. Happy 2012
ethelsmith, on 01/01/2012
Packaging Homemade Cookies and Candies for Gift Giving
I love (making and receiving) homemade cookie and candy gifts - yours look very tasty! I usually prefer storing or giving away homemade goodies in tins but I like your idea with the plates, too. Especially keeping them handy throughout the year ...
Michaela, on 01/01/2012
Tumble Tower | A Best Picture Book Review
Love the illustrations!
Susan52, on 01/01/2012
5 Reasons To Keep On Writing
Sometimes you write an article and it's just what one person needs to hear right now - it's like this for me with your article. Thank you! :) I especially like that you say it's not only Google that counts and that we should write about what ...
Michaela, on 01/01/2012
Time Line - Facebook love it or loath it
Othercat I am glad you like the timeline. I agree it is much easier to navigate. Thanks for commenting.
poshcoffeeco, on 01/01/2012
Time Line - Facebook love it or loath it
Broken Dreamer if you click this link you should get the button to click on Let me know if you have any problems. Thanks for reading and enjoying. Steve
poshcoffeeco, on 01/01/2012
Your choice of Browser matters
Chrome is nice and fast but I can't do everything with it so most of the time I use FireFox which is sluggish at times but works!
Marie, on 01/01/2012
Ever Wondered About the Difference Between a Donkey and a Burro?
and with a Burro you are less likely to get "et" while checking out the differences!! :) ok lay your head started your New Years and then into a couple of hours of it didnt you?
barbarab, on 01/01/2012
Where To Find Free Pictures For Your Articles
I mostly use Flickr (though you have to be careful to search for those with a CC license) and also Zazzle which is great because you can also earn a few pennies from that.
Marie, on 01/01/2012
Kids Cakes
I really love the Hello Kitty cake pan. I'm thinking of doing that for my daughter's birthday.
Marie, on 01/01/2012

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