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My Zazzle Success Story
Until I enrolled on this site I had never heard of Zazzle before. You have intrigued me so I am going to check it out. I love your article and I am going to read your other links here. Thanks for sharing your success story and may 2012 be a ...
poshcoffeeco, on 12/30/2011
Matryoshka Madness Quirky Nesting Russian Dolls
I love the robots! I had a set of nesting dolls as a child, and I loved them. What is it about the small to large continuum that appeals to us? These are winners.
Jimmie, on 12/30/2011
Time Line - Facebook love it or loath it
Dustytoes thanks for the great comments.Didi you check out my FB? What do you think? Do you use Twitter and Google+? Would love to hook up with you on any or all of them. Let me know. Thanks again for visiting
poshcoffeeco, on 12/30/2011
Thank you, Anna!
bhthanks, on 12/30/2011
Mother-Infant Attachment: Effects of Daycare, & Cultural Differences
Thank you, Anna!
bhthanks, on 12/30/2011
Clean Eating Sausage Balls Recipe
I always thought it would be harder than this to make sausage. I'll run this one past my husband. It looks the the perfect food to eat while watching the Celtics and Bruins play.
Digby_Adams, on 12/30/2011
Thermal Underwear for Women Who Are Always Cold
This is the solution to the problem many women have this time of year. Good post i am sharing the link. Happy new year.
Jacko, on 12/30/2011
A Great At Home Pedicure Begins with Great Toenail Clippers
Great article! Toenail clippers aren't something I had put much thought into, but makes a lot of sense! Thanks for sharing.
Laura45, on 12/30/2011
Time Line - Facebook love it or loath it
I don't do much on Facebook but I know I should, so you have convinced me to stay open-minded about the new stuff. Yup, it's easy to get left behind with so much changing so fast - everywhere. I'm going to check out your FB page.
dustytoes, on 12/30/2011
Packaging Homemade Cookies and Candies for Gift Giving
I used to live near a great dollar store that had all kinds of cheap plates and mugs I'd use to give gifts - but your idea of including a note saying to keep the plate is a good one, so they won't be wondering! I mailed a big box of cookies to ...
dustytoes, on 12/30/2011
Time Line - Facebook love it or loath it
ethel, thanks for taking the time to read and comment. Check it out and see if you love it or loath it. Let me know. Thanks again and it is nice to meet you.
poshcoffeeco, on 12/30/2011
Clean Eating Sausage Balls Recipe
I've never heard of sausage balls! But I think my kids would really like these. Packet mixes aren't so popular in the UK - I'm often surprised to see them in US recipes. It's nice to see a proper home made recipe. I'll give them a go and let you ...
TerriRexson, on 12/30/2011
Kids Craft Idea: Grass Head
This is such a great project for kids. I have four of them and this will definately be on the list of project to do. Thanks for sharing.
Angel, on 12/30/2011
Bacon and Chocolate Gourmet Candy Stocking Stuffers
You are kidding me. Bacon and chocolate.. I never would have thought about the two combined. I am going to have to try it this weekend with the kids! It will be a blast. I have enjoyed reading through your articles. You write about so many ...
Angel, on 12/30/2011
Shoe Racks and Benches - Affordable Home Storage Solution
I can not seem to get a grip on what to do with all our shoes. We have 4 children and coats and shoes seem to pile up at the door. I have baskets to put them in but it just doesn't work. I may need to take a look at one of these shoe racks ...
Angel, on 12/30/2011

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