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Why Belief over Evidence is Immoral: a Case Study
I'm already familiar with this story from an historical perspective. It was important to the Vatican at the time to convert the Mexican people to Catholicism. This was a period when the teachings of Luther and the spread of the Protestant faith ...
JoHarrington, on 12/29/2011
Review of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass
Thanks for your feedback. For better or worse, I think we're at that crossroads for sure. The deluge of self-published ebooks is imminent. :)
Tbonius, on 12/29/2011
Cheap Sesame Street Let's Rock Elmo For Sale
i like elmo because my bad niees like elmo.
donta, on 12/29/2011
Yule: Celebrating the Wiccan Winter Solstice
I'm glad that you liked it, Michaela. Yule is the best time for reflection. The entire of society is pretty much geared towards forcing us to sit back and calm down for a few days at least. Shops are closed; family and friends are all in touch ...
JoHarrington, on 12/29/2011
Why a Blogger Should Write a Blog Series
This is very well written and informative. Thank you for posting it.
BrendaReeves, on 12/29/2011
Summer vacation plans
Thanks Sam
ethelsmith, on 12/29/2011
Why Love Hurts and How to Stop the Pain
Yes life and love can be so complicated.
ethelsmith, on 12/29/2011
Creating a free web site
Thanks Posh. It takes time to get everything going but is fun. Have not had time to do any writing on the new site etc. Katie another Hubber. Welcome :) Thanks for stopping by
ethelsmith, on 12/29/2011
Time Line - Facebook love it or loath it
Well Steve I will have to check this out. I have to disagree, in that change is not always for the better. However I love technology and what it offers. Welcome to Wizzley :)
ethelsmith, on 12/29/2011
Yule: Celebrating the Wiccan Winter Solstice
I really enjoyed reading your article. Some time ago I first learned about Samhain traditions and thought them beautiful, the way you describe Yule seems equally appealing to me. I especially like how you describe Winter Solstice as a time of ...
Michaela, on 12/29/2011
Fast and Easy Article Promotion
You are welcome. If you have any difficulties or questions, feel free to ask...
DrDarko, on 12/29/2011
Fast and Easy Article Promotion
This information is rather new to me, so I find it particularly helpful and informative. I already signed up for one of the websites you mentioned and I'm in the process of learning how to use it - hope I'll find my way around. :) Thank you!
Michaela, on 12/29/2011
An Open Letter to All Ron Paul Supporters
Jimmy and Dean, thank you for proving my point.
emmaspeaks, on 12/29/2011
An Open Letter to All Ron Paul Supporters
You don't divide people like this. It isn't so black and white. Also, I'm a bit bother by ron paul at moment because of his unwillingness to say who it is. Anyone who did their research know ...
jimmy, on 12/29/2011
Harry Chapin's "Flowers are Red" & Dweck's Achievement Motivation Theory
Hi BrendaReeves, thank you for your comment! I am especially moved by Harry Chapin's "Flowers are Red", mentioned above.
bhthanks, on 12/29/2011

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